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2023, Continued from page 9        fier, Scholar Athlete.  I earned varsity  Competitive  Scholarship  Qualifier.  Madison Rose Sullivan - Plans
                                             letters for academics, cross country  Played 2 years of Varsity Tennis and  to attend Grand Valley State Univer-
             Diego  Garcia  -  Plans  for  Next  and marching band.             I am a Scholar Athlete.           sity.
          Year:  I will continue to work toward                                                                      Area of study:  Nursing
          all the goals I have set for myself. In  Kenneth Huynh - Plans to attend  Jocelyn Mendoza - Plans to at-   Parents:    Timothy  Sullivan  and
          my  first  year  of  college,  I  hope  to  Michigan State University.   tend The University of Notre Dame.  Kathleen Sullivan
          learn more about myself and make      Area of study:  Human Biology      Area of study:  Business Manage-  Notable High School Accomplish-
          great  memories.  I  am  very  excited  Parents:    Nancy  Le  and  Kim  ment & Organizations           ments:  President of Student Senate,
          about all the possibilities and oppor-  Huynh                            Parents:  Gonzalo Mendoza and  National  Honors  Society  executive
          tunities that the next year will offer.  Notable High School Accomplish-  Cira Mendoza                  board  member,  Honor  Roll  for  4
             Area of study:  Cellular and Mo-  ments:    Dell  Scholar  winner  of  Notable High School Accomplish-  years, KLAA Representative, Scholar
          lecular Biology                    $20,000,  chosen  for  Wayne  High  ments:  Class President. University  Athlete with 2 years on the Varsity
             Parents:  Beatriz Cervantes     Schools Alumni Association Scholar-  of Michigan-Ann Arbor acceptance,  Volleyball team, Dr. and Mrs. Komi-
             Notable High School Accomplish-  ship,  Wayne  Rotary  Foundation  Boston  University  acceptance,  and  nars Scholarship.
          ments:    Valedictorian,  12th  Grade  Scholarship and Jerome H. Sleicher  University  of  Notre  Dame  accept-
          Literary Excellence Award, Student  Memorial  Scholarship.  Involved  in  ance.  Ladies Literary Club - Frances  Santray Steven Trottier - Plans
          Senate, Interact Club and a Scholar  Student Senate and Upward Bound.  Blain Hilts Scholarship and Wayne  to attend Michigan State University.
          Athlete,  playing  3  years  of  Varsity                              Rotary  Foundation  Scholarship.     Area of study:  Accounting
          Soccer.  Received the Student Senate  Rowan Norelle Knape - Plans to  Scholar Athlete with 3 years on Var-  Parents:    Jennifer  Trottier  and
          Scholarship, the Wayne Rotary Foun-  attend The College for Creative Stud-  sity Swim and 2 years on Varsity Ten-  Shontellis Pearson
          dation  Scholarship  and  the  Wayne  ies.                            nis.                                 Notable High School Accomplish-
          Westland  Federal  Credit  Union      Area of study:  Game Design                                       ments:  Member of Upward Bound,
          Scholarship.                          Parents:  Wendi Knape and War-     Griphen Hunter Wyatt Smith -   Senate, and National Honor Society,
                                             ren Knape                          Plans to attend Oakland University.  4 years on Honor Roll,  Scholar Ath-
             Alaiyah Marie Gordon - Plans to    Notable High School Accomplish-  Area of study: Physics           lete, 4 Year Varsity Bowling letter, 3
          attend Eastern Michigan University.   ments:  Charles Attwood Foundation  Parents:  Andrea Smith and Ray-  year  varsity  baseball  letter,  2023
             Area of study: Nursing          Scholarship,  President  of  the  Art  mond Cogswell                 High School Bowling State Champi-
             Parents:    Christopher  Gordon  club,  has  taken  AP  classes  since  Notable High School Accomplish-  ons,  All  Conference  Team(Bowling
          and Candice Cannon                 sophomore year, has never been late  ments:  Recipient of Academic Letter  and  Baseball),  2023  Homecoming
             Notable High School Accomplish-  to class once, one of my art pieces  all 4 years of high school, named a  King.  Recipient of the Mike Melcher
          ments:    Maintaining  honor  roll  was selected and displayed at a show  member  of  the  National  Technical  Memorial  Scholarship,  the  Wayne
          grades  throughout  my  high  school  in the DIA.                     Honor Society, being named a Salu-  Rotary Foundation Scholarship and
          years, being chosen for the French                                    tatorian.                         State of Michigan Competitive Schol-
          Department Award, and becoming a      Emily Tiffany Lemus - Plans to     Overcoming  the  adversity  that  arship Qualifier.
          Valedictorian.  Received the Wayne  attend The University of Michigan.  came with AP courses. My first two
          Westland  Building  Administrators    Area of study:  Computer Science  years of high school, I wrestled at the  Jesus  Velasquez  Cervantes  -
          Association  Scholarship  and  the    Parents:  Pedro Lemus and Gra-  varsity level, and was a student men-  Plans  to  attend  The  University  of
          Harold and Pat Bower Scholarship.  ciela Lemus                        tor for the incoming members of the  Michigan.
                                                Notable High School Accomplish-  team. I learned how to accept myself  Area of study:  Nursing
             Alan  Hernandez  -  Plans  to  at-  ments:  Studied Computer Science  and  apply  myself  to  achieve  what  Parent  Names:    Patricia  Cer-
          tend The University of Chicago.    in a pre-college summer experience  benefits me.                     vantes Ramos and Jesus Velasquez
             Area of study: Computer Science  at Brown University with the scholar-  Getting accepted into my school  Notable High School Accomplish-
          and Philosophy                     ship I got from the Joyce Ivy Founda-  of choice, with a near full-ride, re-  ments:    Junior  Homecoming  King,
             Parents:    Maite  Alcantara  and  tion.    Was  awarded  the  Amazon  flects  my  dedication,  commitment,  Scholar Athlete with 4 years of  Var-
          David Hernandez                    Future Engineer Scholarship, the Eq-  and hard work. Regardless of how  sity  Soccer,  1  Year  Varsity  Track,
             Notable High School Accomplish-  uitable Excellence Scholarship, the  others may have tried to define me,  KLAA All Conference Award in Soc-
          ments:  QuestBridge Scholar, Gates  Mary Trupkovich Memorial Scholar-  the most important lesson I learned  cer,  Top goal scorer 2023.  Recipient
          Scholarship recipient, State of Michi-  ship,  the  Student  Senate  Scholar-  was to only listen to the definition I  of   the   Ron   Mason   Cross
          gan Competitive Scholarship Quali-  ship and I am a State of Michigan  gave myself.                     Country/Track Scholarship.

          16 · June 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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