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WMHS boys bowling fundraiser for championship rings

          By Sarah Shurge
             The Wayne Memorial High School
          Boys  Bowling  team  won  the  2023
          MHSAA State Championship on Fri-
          day, March 3rd. Now the team is rais-
          ing  money  to  help  pay  for  their
          championship  rings  and  travel  ex-
          penses for the National Tournament
          in Beavercreek, Ohio on June 17th-
             “Earning a State Championship
          ring is an amazing accomplishment,”
          said Christine Day, Wayne Memorial
          Bowling  Coach.  “It's  more  than  a
          class  ring  or  a  trophy  that  sits  in
          your alma mater's trophy case. It's
          an eternal reminder of the fun that  Mayor John Rhaesa and the Wayne City Council present the Wayne Memorial High School Bowling Team with a plaque com-
          was had but also all of the sacrifices, memorating their 2023 MHSAA State Championship. Photo by Lisa Nocereni
          progress, grit and growth these boys      “Earning a State              “The  bowling  fundraiser  was  a  Raisanen. “Kyle, Elliot, and my son
          showed not just this season, but in                                   huge success,” said Andy Raisanen,  Davin have been on the same youth
          all the years that led up to it.”     Championship ring is an         Wayne  High  Math  teacher/PA  an-  team since they were 8 or so. They
             Day has been with Wayne bowling                                    nouncer  and  parent  of  one  of  the  are truly a team and a great group of
          for eight years in total. She coached  amazing accomplishment.”       bowlers. “It was a lot of fun and we  kids who are easy to root for.”
          the  girls  team  her  first  four  years,  Christine Day             had a great turnout. The Wayne Me-   If  you  would  like  to  show  your
          and the last four years she has been                                  morial  Staff  showed  amazing  sup-  support for the team as they will be
          coaching  both  the  boys  and  girls  Wayne Memorial Bowling Coach   port.  Thanks  to  John  Goci,  Scott  making their way down to Ohio for
          teams.                                                                Gocaj,  and  everyone  at  US-12  for  the  National  Tournament,  you  can
             “You  don't  win  championships  sists of Jeremiah Hodge, Elliot Hill,  hosting.”                    donate   on   the   gofundme   at
          with  one  great  player  or  one  great  Davin Raisanen, Mark-Vincent Wells,  Six out of the seven bowlers were
          coach.  Teams  win  championships.  Santray Trottier, Kyle Webster, and  able  to  attend  the  fundraiser.  One  “Thanks to everyone who helped
          Teams  that  trust  one  another  and  Donovan Uselman.               bowler had to work and was unavail-  out and donated,” said Raisanen.  “I
          have  fun,  share  championships,”    On  Friday,  June  2nd,  the  team  able but stopped by early to sign the  love being a part of the Wayne High
          said Day.                          hosted a fundraiser at US12 Bar &  pins that were raffled off.       community. This bowling team epit-
             The  state  champion  team  con-  Grill.                             “I’m very proud of the team,” said  omizes the Zebra spirit.”

          US-12 CRUISE                       Sweet Treats                       to donating $1.00 of every Blizzard  just inside there.
          July 8th 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                        sold  to  the  Children’s  Miracle  Net-
          Cruisin' US12 2023                 June 16th 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.  work.                             June 16th 8:00 p.m.
          ALL DAY FREE FAMILY FUN            Food  Truck  Rally  at  Notre  Dame                                  US12 Friday Night Music Series
          PITSTOPS SHUTTLES LIVE             Hall - Featuring Fun Food Express, MUSIC                             Category 5 -
          MUSIC FOOD DRINKS CLASSIC          Hogz Backyard BBQ, Ricki's Taco's  June 13th 7:15 p.m.               A high-energy band formed in Sep-
          CARS AND SO MUCH MORE!             food truck, and one more.          St. Michael Lutheran School       tember  2006,  that  performs  cover
                                             Live  music,  games,  and  more,  fun  HarmonyTown Barbershop Chorus -  material and original music. By fo-
                                             for the whole family!  Lounge will be  This is an evening dedicated for new-  cusing on music one normally does
          KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                open for beverages. Karaoke under                                    not hear in a club, Category 5 con-
          July 15th 10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.      the stars starting at 6:30 p.m.    comers  to  visit  the  HarmonyTown  nects with audiences of all ages and
                                                                                Chorus.  Come  enjoy  a  night  of
          Wayne Community Yard Sale -                                           singing that is all about first time vis-  musical tastes.  Bringing the sound
          Direct  Market  Vendors,  Crafters,  June 21st 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  itors!                           and style of Arena Rock back to the
          Yard Sale                          Food Trucks at Goudy Park -        It’s EASY and FUN (and free)! Men of  club.    From  everyday  and  current
                                             The Grill Father BBQ & Detroit Mini  all  vocal  experience  levels  are  wel-  dance favorites to epic artists such
          July 29th 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.   Donuts                             come to join us for a fun evening of  as Boston, Van Halen, Journey, SRV
          Free Kids Fun Fair -                                                  songs where we’ll introduce you to  and Rush, Category 5 entertains any
          Free  Family  Fun  activities  all  day  June 28th 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  barbershop  style  acapella  singing.  audience from the dance crowd to
          long                               Food Trucks at Goudy Park -        Come experience how easy barber-  the hard-core music lover.
                                             The Lobster Truck & Kona Ice       shop singing can be and why it can
          FOOD                                                                  bring joy into your life!         June 21st 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
          June 14th 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   July 27th 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.    St Michael Lutheran               Music at the Wayne Public Library
          Food Trucks at Goudy Park -        Annual Miracle Treat Day at Dairy  3003 Hannan Rd, Wayne, MI 48184
          The  Lobster  Truck  &  Motor  City  Queen - Every year we look forward  Main parking lot. Main doors. We're         See Events, page 19
          18 · June 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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