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Fighting, Continued from page 5   can control as: our attitude, our ac-
                                                                                                                  tions, and our reactions.
                                                                                cepted the fact there was nothing I  “When you work on those or mas-
                                                                                could do on my own, I was able to  ter those response types, your world
                                                                                ask for help,” said Gowen.        around you will reflect that. I want
                                                                                  Gowen has been sober for over   the students to think about those,”
                                                                                13 years now.                     said Gowen.
                                                                                  “Best thing that’s ever happened   Gowen  also  works  on  profes-
                                                                                to me,” said Gowen. “Everything that  sional development with the school
                                                                                I do is rooted in my recovery.”   staff, focusing on mental health, well-
                                                                                  Gowen applied to be on American  ness, and self care.
                                                                                Ninja Warrior, one day after the dead-  “Staff needs all the support they
                                                                                line. He got a call from casting and  can get. It’s never been harder to be
                                                                                was  casted  for  Season  8.  Gowen  a teacher than now,” said Gowen.
                                                                                made it to the third obstacle in the  Gowen completed a school tour
                                                                                2016 Indianapolis Qualifier.      in the Wayne-Westland Community
                                                                                  “There really isn't anything fake  Schools  District,  visiting:  Edison,
                                                                                or  choreographed  on  American   Wildwood, Elliott, Walker, Roosevelt,
                                                                                Ninja Warrior. I had to rely on my  Taft,  Hamilton,  Schweitzer,  Hicks,
                                                                                athletic ability with it,” said Gowen.  and Graham.
                                                                               “The greatest victory was it was the  “The  more  I  give  away  -  time,
                                                                                most watched run of Season 8. Get-  money,  messages,  services  -  the
                                                                                ting  to  connect  with  the  audience  more  enriched  my  life  becomes,”
                                                                                and share my story, it was an awe-  said Gowen. “Some of my most cher-
                                                                                some experience.”                 ished work that I do is go back to
                                                                                  Gowen  continues  to  share  his  Children’s  Hospital  in  Detroit  and
                                                                                story and be an inspiration to others  work with the social work team and
                                                                                as a Youth Empowerment Speaker.   oncology there. I get to know the fam-
                                                                                  “Being a motivational speaker or  ilies, offer support, and be a light-
                                                                                pro wrestler is not much of a differ-  house for those battling childhood
                                                                                ence to me. They’re both an avenue  cancer.”
                                                                                to  share  my  story  and  serve  the  Gowen spends his time either on
                                                                                same purpose,” said Gowen.        stage at a speaking engagement, in
                                                                                  For the past 10 years, Gowel has  the ring at a professional wrestling
                                                                                traveled  the  country  and  worked  show, instructing adaptive and non-
                                                                                with over 100,000 students, teach-  adaptive  DDPYoga  workouts,  or
                                                                                ers,  and  parents  in  America.  He  spending time with his wife Kelly and
                                                                                works to inspire and lay out tools for  their children.
                                                                                these students to be successful not  Over  his  22  year  career  in  pro
                                                                                only in school, but outside of school  wrestling, he has won over 45 cham-
                                                                                as well.                          pionships.
                                                                                  “Life isn’t about what happens to  “I like to accomplish, overcome,
                                                                                us. Life is about how we respond to  and set an example,” said Gowen. “I
                                                                                what  happens  to  us,”  said  Gowen.  want to inspire people.”
                                                                               “The main takeaway for the students   If you want to see Gowen in ac-
                                                                                is thinking about the things they can  tion, be sure to purchase your tick-
                                                                                control and not the things they can’t.”  ets  for  The  Hart  of  the  Matter  at
                                                                                  Gowen lists the three things we  HYPE Athletics.

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · October 2023 · 11
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