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Local 900, Continued from page 6                                                                        member,  not  just  local  900,”  said
          ple and give back. I’m doing some-                                                                           Since  Tuesday,  August  29th,
          thing and I believe in what I do.”                                                                      Ford has put four offers on the table,
             Like Tompkins, Smith was also                                                                        but no agreement with the UAW has
          born and raised in Wayne.                                                                               been made yet.
             “My heart bleeds UAW and I’m a                                                                          If you wish to support the Local
          proud Ford employee. My dad was a                                                                       900 with donations, items needed in-
          supervisor at Ford. He’s the one that                                                                   clude: ice, small juices, fresh donuts,
          told me to get involved in the union,”                                                                  variety  of  chips,  variety  of  snacks,
          said Smith. “I love helping and fight-                                                                  napkins, and ziplock bags (all sizes).
          ing for these people. This is not just                                                                  Pantry  needs  include:  diapers  (all
          a labor organization, it’s a commu-                                                                     sizes), pull-ups (2T, 3T, 4T, and 5T),
          nity driven organization.”                                                                              laundry  soap,  dish  soap,  paper
             UAW Local 900 has hosted and                                                                         towel, toilet paper, rice, and soup.
          participated in events such as: Red                                                                        You can find the Local 900 Strike
          Cross blood drives, food drives, food                                                                   Amazon wish.
          banks,  coat  drives,  back-to-school  Local 900 on strike at Ford Motor Company in Wayne.                 If you have any questions regard-
          drive with Hill Crest Bible Church,  back  parking  spots  for  free,  and  worked  with  Local  900  and  how  ing donations, you can email Ebony
          Adopt an Angel with Wayne-Westland  Wayne Releaf opened up spots for us  they’ve  navigated  keeping  people  Kennedy,  Community  Chair  at
          Goodfellows,  Trunk-or-Treat,  Stuff  too.”                           safe,” said Smith. “Local 900 and its  Uaw900communityservice@gmail.c
          the Bronco, Stuff the Bus, and much   The UAW rented four 12-passen-  members can’t thank the community  om or call the Local 900 at (734)721-
          more.                              ger Ford vans to shuttle passengers.  enough  for  the  support  they’ve  2530.  Two  secretaries  answer
             “The City of Wayne has been fan-  “The van had low tire pressure,  shown us in this strike.”         phones from 8AM - 4PM Monday -
          tastic with outpour of support and  so I called Jack Demmer Ford and    Three  of  Local  900’s  members  Friday. You can also come and visit
          nothing but generous with making   they said we could bring the van to  are a part of the Negotiation Team at  the  Local  900  at  38200  Michigan
          donations  to  help  us,”  said  Smith.  Quick Lane and it was fixed for free,”  the  main  table:  Dwayne  Walker:  Ave. in Wayne, which is open 24/7
          “There have been so many donations  said Smith. “The Jack Demmer fam-  Local  900  President,  Scott  Elliott:  during the strike.
          to  help  support  the  workers  -  hot  ily has been very supportive.”   Michigan Assembly Plant Chairman,  “Please  continue  to  support  the
          food, water, pop, snacks. It’s boost  Many other businesses and resi-  and Mike Beydoun: Skill trades Dis-  UAW on strike,” said Smith. “In the
          everyone's morale that the strike was  dents  have  stepped  up  to  support  trict Committee Person.   long run it's going to benefit everyone
          needed.”                           the UAW. Along with members that     “Their  best  interest  is  for  every  in the community.”
             Businesses  like  Northside  True  are volunteering to drive the shuttle
          Value Hardware donated items like a  vans,  walk  the  line,  help  in  the
          tent canopy to keep the rain off mem-  kitchen, and make food.
          bers,  hand  warmers,  coolers,  and  “I  see  how  the  community  of
          bug spray. DICK’S Sporting Goods   Wayne and Westland has rallied be-
          donated two 10x10 canopies. Norm’s  hind  us.  It  really  makes  my  heart
          Market donated hot dogs. Michigan  happy,” said Tompkins.
          Holland  Meats  donated  over  200   “We give so much to the commu-
          pounds  of  hamburger.  Residents  nity, it felt so good for them to rally
          have dropped off water and bags of  behind us. I’m proud of my commu-
          ice. Along with so many other dona-  nity for being there for us during this
          tions for businesses and residents.   strike.”
             “We  needed  to  find  parking  for  Emergency responders have also
          members and I was worried how we   been supporting the UAW.
          would move 4,000 members,” said      “I can’t say thank you enough to
          Smith.  “The Club Canton owner of-  the  Wayne  Police  Department  and
          fered us parking in the grass lot and  Fire  Department  for  how  they’ve

          12 · October 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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