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Election, Continued from page 3 best opportunities for their children, disease, and low life expectancy life and have started a family here in
and their parents. I want Michigan- across the state of Michigan. This Westland. I am proud to call this
those in power. The priorities of ders to thrive, not just survive. community has shaped me into state my home. I want others to feel
those in power now do not seem to I have served as Westland City someone who has great pride in the same way towards Michigan as I
align with the values and priorities of Council President Pro Tempore, being part of the working class and do. This means affordability and eco-
the common person anymore. For where I have prioritized public safety, who cares deeply about the health nomic development. This comes to
example, we are paying rent for thou- infrastructure, and small business and well-being of my neighbors. I fruition with creating good paying
sands of illegal aliens waiting on a growth. As president of the local know the challenges my working jobs and ensuring housing is afford-
court date for deportation while we school district’s PTA and a former class neighbors are facing, and I able. This would not only be for peo-
know of at least 2500 veterans who small business owner, I understand know it shouldn't be this hard. We ple looking to move here, but also for
are homeless - who is that represent- the challenges that working families need a representative in Lansing who those who already have their roots
ing?” and communities face. will fight for livable wages, clean air planted here.”
There has been a lot of recent and water, quality healthcare, and af-
Shannon Rochon: “I am running progress in Michigan and I want to fordable housing. Someone who will Melandie Hines: “My top three
to represent the 25th District in make sure that continues in this new fight for human dignity for all of us. legislative priorities are helping with
Lansing because I believe that my ex- year. District 25 deserves to be rep- That’s why I’m running.” affordable housing. With the rising
perience in leadership roles for the resented by someone ready to head cost of inflation, it is impossible for
Bernie Sanders presidential cam- to Lansing prepared to fight to have What are your top everyday working families to be able
paign, over 20 years of community this area’s voices heard. I’m ready to three legislative priorities to live comfortably without the fear
organizing, and as the Michigan work tirelessly for the residents of for the term? of being able to afford their home,
League of Conservation Voters part- Westland, Wayne, Dearborn Heights pay bills and buy groceries. My sec-
nership director have given me a and Canton Township to build on Peter Herzberg: “It goes without ond priority is increasing jobs in
deep understanding of the needs in the accomplishments of 2023.” saying that there are many things I skill trades and workforce develop-
vulnerable communities. My goal is want to work on as State Represen- ment. I have developed amazing rela-
to create a more equitable and inclu- Layla Taha: “I was raised by a tative. However, I want to focus in on tionships with the labor unions and
sive environment in the 25th District, single mother in the city of Wayne senior services, environmental is- professional skill trades organiza-
where every resident has equal ac- and have lived most of my life in sues, and keeping Michigan an af- tions. I created a job fair in the city
cess to opportunities and resources. Wayne and Westland. I am a gradu- fordable place to live. of Inkster with over 40 skill trade
I will work tirelessly to address sys- ate of the University of Michigan, A few ways I would work towards participants. There is a shortage of
temic inequalities, advocate for af- where I studied global health. I also my goals would be advocating for workers in the skill trades industry
fordable housing, promote economic earned my Master of Public Health senior service transportation at and I sit on the Wayne County
development, and fight for social jus- (MPH) with a Certificate in Health every level of government, as that is Women’s Commission on the Skill
tice. Together, we can build a Policy from Columbia University. I've crucial for those who cannot drive Trades Workforce Development
stronger and more united commu- spent nearly a decade as a public themselves. Minimum staffing levels Committee, Education Committee,
nity.” health advocate and community or- need to be implemented to ensure a Housing Committee, and Events
ganizer, and I am invested in fighting higher quality of care at our local Committee. Training and develop-
Andrea Rutkowski: “I am the for a more just and equitable world nursing home facilities. ment is vital in increasing wages,
wife of a professional firefighter and for all of us. My passion for people Michigan is home to the largest helping to increase home ownership
the mother of a public school stu- and commitment to public health bodies of freshwater in the world. We and stabilization in neighborhoods.
dent, and I am completing my Mas- started at home many years ago, need to work to protect these for fu- My third priority is growth and eco-
ters in Education. As a family we are where I witnessed an environmen- ture generations to come. I am posi- nomic development. I have a Rede-
continuing the legacy of being Union tally hazardous explosion and many tive that my future colleagues in velopment Ready Certification
members, and my family has experi- attempts to dump toxic waste in our Lansing feel the same and I would be through the Michigan Economic De-
enced the effects of Emergency Man- community. My hometown of Wayne honored to collaborate closely with velopment Corporation and Certifica-
agement when the city my husband serves as a prime example of envi- them.
works for went into receivership. I ronmental injustice, and it is no sur- I have lived in Michigan my entire See Election, page 5
want to fight for families like mine prise to me that we rank in the
that work hard and want to have the highest percentiles for asthma, heart
4 · January 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch