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P. 5
Election, Continued from page 4 luters in HD25 have been releasing
toxic chemicals into the environment
tion in Grant Writing. I worked as a for decades without any accountabil-
business banker and helped lots of ity. My hometown of Wayne serves as
business owners start new business a prime example of environmental
and grow their brands. Economic de- injustice, as we rank in the highest
velopment is vital to increasing rev- percentiles for asthma, heart dis-
enues to the local municipalities and ease, and low life expectancy across
stabilization and growth to the com- the state of Michigan. We cannot con-
munities in Wayne, Westland, Can- tinue down a path where corporate
ton, Dearborn Heights.” polluters go unchecked while public
health deteriorates and taxpayers
Josh Powell: “1. Less Govern- are forced to foot the bill for cleanup
ment: The state government should efforts.
only get involved where the local gov- 2. Hold DTE accountable for leav-
ernment falls short. All governments ing us in the dark while increasing
should be as local as possible, so I our electric bills. Southeast Michi-
will vote to keep the state out of local gan residents are paying some of the
issues and to return local control to highest electric bills in the nation
cities and local school boards and re- while suffering some of the worst
duce the size and scope of the bal- service, as DTE has continued to
looning state government and defer maintenance on our power
budget. grid while increasing their rates. I
2. Less Regulation: No one will work to pass legislation that
should ever be able to take away forces DTE to monetarily compen-
your 2nd amendment rights without sate residents for all food and wages
being convicted or even charged with lost during power outages, as well as
a crime. You shouldn’t need to renew pay residents an hourly rate for each
your license plate every year or your hour the power is out.
license every 2 years. Car dealer- 3. Fight for working families to
ships should be allowed to be open pass legislation that guarantees paid
on Sunday if they choose to be. Over- The Special General Election will be April 16th to determine the next 25th District time off, increases wages, and ex-
regulation is another major reason pands bargaining power. Working
our state is shrinking and consid- State Representative to represent Wayne, Westland, parts of Canton and Dearborn people in Michigan shouldn’t have to
ered unattractive for businesses Heights. Photo by Ehrlif work multiple jobs or more than 40
looking to build or expand. I would cies that improve healthcare afford- advocating for measures that allevi- hours per week to make ends meet.
find ways to reduce or eliminate ability, expand access to social serv- ate economic burdens on families I will work to pass a $15 minimum
many regulations that are arbitrary ices, and protect seniors from and foster financial stability in our wage with increases pegged to infla-
and unnecessary. financial exploitation. Additionally, I community. If we want families to tion, guaranteed paid medical and
3. Lower Taxes: Michigan resi- am committed to investing in educa- thrive and raise their children in Dis- sick leave, guaranteed paid vacation
dents have some of the highest total tion by providing resources and sup- trict 25 and Michigan, we need to time for all full-time employees, and
tax burdens of any state and those in port for teachers, improving school make sure they have access to afford- expanded child tax credits.”
Lansing are so out of touch currently infrastructure, and promoting inno- able housing.
that they just went to court to raise vative teaching methods. Finally, I I spend my days in the classroom What kind of support/
your income tax during a recession. will prioritize protecting and preserv- dedicated to the mind of tomorrow. impact will you have in
This is not only bad for your budget, ing our natural resources, address- It is critical that we secure a top-rate
but it is driving people to leave our ing climate change, and promoting education for our children. This in- Lansing to support our
state in record numbers. I would sustainable practices for a healthier volves advocating for increased fund- district?
propose instituting a phased reduc- and greener future. Together, we can ing for schools, addressing
tion in the state income tax until it is create positive change and build a educational disparities, and support- Peter Herzberg: “Over the years
gone, and let Michigan grow and better community for all.” ing initiatives that empower educa- I have been lucky to watch now
prosper like every other state with tors. A robust education system is Mayor Kevin Coleman serve in this
no state income tax. Without drastic Andrea Rutkowski: “My top not just an investment in our chil- district for three terms. Not only
action Michigan is on track to lose three legislative priorities are im- dren's future; it is a foundation for have I learned from the work he has
another two house seats by the 2030 proving and protecting access to af- the prosperity of our entire commu- done, but I have also had the honor
census.” fordable healthcare and healthcare nity. Through these legislative priori- to be his mentee first hand. He has
rights, addressing the cost-of-living ties, I aim to create a community endorsed me for this position and I
Shannon Rochon: “I want our crisis, and ensuring our children that is supported, economically re- am confident that he will be with me
community to S.E.E. (Seniors, Edu- have a top-rate education. Affordable silient, and provides educational op- every step of the way during the cam-
cation, the Environment) what my healthcare is a cornerstone of a thriv- portunities for all our children.” paign and during my tenure as State
legislative priorities revolve around. ing society, and I am committed to Representative.
I am dedicated to serving our com- implementing policies that make Layla Taha: “1. Pass polluter pay After more than eight years on
munity and ensuring that our sen- quality care accessible to all, irre- laws that will make corporate pol- Westland City Council I have estab-
iors have access to the resources and spective of their financial means. Ad- luters clean up their messes. We all lished relationships with several
support they need for a high quality ditionally, I recognize the urgency of have a right to breathe clean air and
of life. I will work to implement poli- addressing the cost-of-living crisis, drink clean water. Yet corporate pol- See Election, page 10
The Wayne Dispatch · January 2024 · 5