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A drawing of what the first log cabin would have looked like. Photo courtesy of the Wayne
          Historical Society
          What happened in 1824

             As you drive into Wayne on Michi-
          gan Avenue you are greeted by signs
          in the median that say "Welcome to
          the  City  of  Wayne,  Founded  1824",
          but is Wayne really that old? Yes, and
          this year, 2024, is the 200th anniver-
          sary of the first settler in Wayne. On
          February 27, 1824, George Johnson
          purchased the first 80 acres in what
          would  become  Wayne  for  $100.00  Chicago  Road  was  so  muddy  and
          (equivalent to $3,162.66 today). This  poor that many travellers preferred
          land  was  along  the  north  side  of  to  use  the  northern  trail,  the  Ann
          Michigan  Avenue  on  either  side  of  Arbor trail, to go west. In early 1825
          Wayne Road. Michigan Avenue was    one of the early local maps marks
          nothing  more  than  a  dirt  track  "Johnsons",  this  is  the  first  time
          through the forest at the time and  Wayne ever appeared on a map.
          was called the “Chicago Road".        The Johnsons struggled through
             Hoping  to  set  up  a  successful  1825, and finally had had enough so
          stagecoach  stop,  George  built  the  on December 2, 1825 sold the cabin
          first log cabin in Wayne just west of  and land for $500. More research is
          Wayne Road, a green state historical  needed  into  where  the  Johnsons
          marker marks the site today. George  came  from,  and  where  they  went
          had a wife and possibly children but  after  leaving  Wayne,  but  we  have
          their names are unfortunately lost to  them to thank for starting settlement
          history.  On  October  11,  1824,  his  around here.
          mortgage  was  paid  off  and  he  re-  Within 10 years the area had a
          ceived full ownership of the property.  sawmill,  general  store,  blacksmith
          The  Johnsons  ran  the  stagecoach  shop, some of the first frame houses
          stop and tavern out of their log cabin  and about 10 families. In 1836 the
          through the winter, but did not have  name  "Wayne"  was  applied  for  the
          much  success.  The  state  of  the  first time.

          JURASSIC, Continued from page 4      “It’s a ton of fun,” said Sayed. “I
                                             love seeing the smiles and kids that
          trips with those schools, a portion  are  so  positive  and  excited  to  be
          will go back to them. They just have  there.”
          to come in and mention what school    HYPE  is  also  preparing  for  its
          they are from to donate,” said Sayed.  March Madness membership pro-
             You can purchase tickets at the  tion. For more information, visit mo
          door  or  visit,  or  website or call.       the
          call (734)721-7400.                   “All are welcome. We’re so excited
             Please call if you’d like to volun-  to see everyone come to the center
          teer for the exhibit.              and see the exhibit,” said Sayed.
          10 · February 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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