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BUSINESS, Continued from page 8 and acknowledge people that paved smoke low and slow,” said Curtis
the way.” Huffman, owner/chef of Taste the
or bridal showers, birthday parties, Party with a Tee also hosts sev- Smoke. “We rely on our smoking
vendor events, book signings, work- eral community events each year, process as well as blends of season-
shops/meetings, and more). such as the Black History Book Fair ing. Sauce is an option, it’s not a go-
In honor of Black History Month, and the Back to School Backpack to.”
Party with a Tee will have a 10% dis- Giveaway Event. Huffman stated that the best sell-
count for T-shirt painting attendees “Our mission is to uplift every- ers at Taste the Smoke are the ribs,
and a 10% discount for bulk orders one,” said Bey. “We love helping the pulled pork, and the brisket.
(20 items or more) for custom ap- Party with a Tee owner Renee Bey community, and we’re looking for “Give us a try,” said Huffman.
parel (mainly T-shirts or hoodies). and know the culture,” said Renee more events to expand.” “We’ve been open for about 10
“Being black, I always feel it's im- Bey, Party with a Tee owner. “It's al- Party with a Tee is located at months, so if you came in the begin-
portant to keep black history alive ways good to keep knowledge going 3158 S Wayne Rd, and is open Fri- ning, come and check us out again.
day-Saturday 12-5p.m., T-shirt We’ve been changing and improving
painting is Monday-Friday 6-9p.m., things.”
and business hours for service Sun- Taste the Smoke is highlighting
day-Thursday are available upon re-
For more information about Party
with a Tee, call (734)589-0111. For
online shopping, T-shirt painting
events, and event space rental in-
quiries, visit
First Responders receive a 10%
discount on all merchandise in store
(customized orders, Event & Meeting
space rentals, and T-shirt painting
events are excluded). Curtis Huffman, owner/chef of Taste the
Party with a Tee’s next event is
“Brushes and Wine Glass: Valentine’s Smoke
Day Celebrated with Class” on Black History Month by serving soul
Wednesday, February 14th from 6- food everyday for the whole month.
9p.m. There are daily specials offered out-
Bey is currently working on a side of February as well.
childrens event for March, so be Huffman is starting the process
sure to check the website for up- for smoking and cooking outdoors.
dates and more information. If Taste the Smoke is located at
you’re interested in volunteering for 35445 W Michigan Ave, and is open
any Party with a Tee events, email Wednesday-Saturday 3p.m.-10p.m., and Sunday 12p.m-7p.m. Starting
Our final acknowledgement goes February 10th, there will be live
to Taste the Smoke, which opened music (Father and Son Duo - Jerry
for regular hours on Wednesday, and Jacob) on Saturday nights.
April 26th, 2023. To contact Taste the Smoke, call
Taste the Smoke is the city of (734)725-5990. You can find them
Wayne’s first barbecue restaurant, on Instagram by searching “Taste the
but it is a different style of barbecue. Smoke” or “A Special Taste.” A web-
“There isn’t just one way barbe- site and Facebook are coming soon.
cue should be served. This is Michi- Be sure to check out and support
gan barbecue. This is different. We these businesses in Wayne!
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2024 · 9