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USA, Continued from page 3 Ice Show at the Ann Arbor Ice Cube.
“It’s not very often you get to see a
Even with her demanding skating Team USA member skating locally,”
schedule, Brown keeps her educa- said Renee.
tion a priority. For more information about the
“I try to be as smart as possible Melody on Ice Show, visit annar-
with my work, and make sure I get
all my work done as early as I can,” spx.
said Brown. “Getting into college is a Brown will also participate in the
big goal. I want to do skating in col- annual Wayne-Westland Figure Skat-
lege and then after college become a ing Club Ice Show at Mike Modano
coach.” Arena on Friday, April 19th, through
Her hard work and actions don’t Sunday, April 21st.
go unnoticed. Team during the B team Champi- For more information about the
“As a parent, it's so nice to see the onship round. Wayne-Westland Figure Skating Club,
hard work,” said Renee. “She sacri- “I wish people knew how much of visit:
fices a lot of free time, time with an athlete you have to be to do this,” Brown’s private coach is Julie
friends, and sometimes school. (Above), Addison Brown shows off her said Renee. “The Hockettes invented Marchand, who grew up in Wayne
She’s had to take so much time off Team USA sweatshirt. (Right), the syn- the sport in this state and very few and was the Ice Director at the
this year and is still making every- people know about it. Once the Rec Wayne Recreational Center.
thing work. I'm just proud of her that chronized skating team in France. and the ice rink closed, no one “I’m just reminding myself that
she can balance everything, and she love to do. Many times I wanted to knows it exists still, but it’s still out it's hard right now, but when I finish,
doesn't really complain.” quit, but I got past it because this is there and we should support it.” I’ll feel good about myself. I’m getting
Brown skates about 20-30 hours something I worked really hard for. This month, you have a chance to used to it, and the more I do it, the
a week. You have to stay positive.” support Brown and her synchro- more I learn to handle it,” said
Since skaters do testing during Brown will be competing with her nized figure skating team locally. Brown. “It doesn't come easy and it's
the summer, there is no off season. PCEP team in the High School Skat- You can watch the 2023-2024 not given to you. You have to work
Skating is a year-round sport. ing State Championships on Satur- Team USA Junior Hockettes per- hard for it.”
“It’s a very demanding sport,” day, March 9th, and Sunday, March form both the Short and Freeskate We congratulate Brown for repre-
said Brown. “It's hard to be a skater, 10th - competing individually in the Program for the last time for the sea- senting Team USA and we wish her
but at the end of the day, it's worth it Excel Juvenile Freeskate champi- son on Friday, March 15th, and Sat- the best with her future skating en-
and it's enjoyable because it's what I onship and representing the PCEP urday, March 16th at the Melody on deavors!
4 · March 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch