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Wash winter away at Johnson’s Car Wash
By Sarah Shurge have half-off on interior cleanings, so
As the weather switches from 72 after their exterior wash, they can go
degrees one day, to 27 degrees the to the kiosk with their tag and pick
next, we have to wonder if that pesky which interior service they want.
groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil was “It’s a really cool feature and I
right – is an early spring on the way? know a lot of people have enjoyed it
If the last of winter and snow is so far,” said Johnson.
saying goodbye, then one thing will “They pull up and are a part of
remain: dirty cars. Make sure your something exclusive, it's really cool
car is ready for spring and visit to see and people are happy.”
Johnson’s Car Wash to wash winter Johnson grew up at Johnson’s
away. Car Wash, since his father, Terry
Johnson’s Car Wash has been Johnson is the owner.
family-run in Wayne since 1976. “It’s a good experience with me
“It’s a top-level car wash that you and my dad getting to work together,”
can’t really find anywhere else,” said said Johnson. “For me, it's been re-
Tony Johnson, Johnson’s Car Wash ally cool to hangout and I appreciate
manager. “Whether just the exterior, him a lot more than I did when I was
or the exterior and interior, we offer younger.”
a higher quality than you’d find any- When Johnson was ten years old,
where else.” Johnson’s Car Wash operations manager Saif Aljanabi, owner Terry Johnson, and he cleaned towels to help while also
You can choose your exterior manager Tony Johnson. staying out of the way. He then went
wash from four custom-tailored “We want to give people the best month as a member and the exterior on to using the power washer as a
wash packages. Exterior services are opportunity to never have a dirty car everyday.” teenager, and officially started work-
available as single washes or as part and do it in the best way possible,” There is a Members Only lane for ing at Johnson’s in high school and
of an Unlimited Wash Club. For the said Johnson. “You’re really saving a exterior wash, so members don’t college.
price of two washes, you can wash ton of money, especially if you get the have to wait in line and can go
your car every day of the month. interior of your car done twice a straight into the wash. Members also See Johnson’s, page 12
8 · March 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch