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Two tickets to Paradise Nails

             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-                                  years, and Tom has been at Paradise
          light Series with Sarah!                                              Nails for two years. Tony removed
             If  you’ve  been  keeping  up  with                                my gel polish first with the nail drill,
          this series, then you know I started                                  and  then  began  my  manicure
          this  series  to  get  to  know  the  city                            process: soak, cuticle removal, trim,
          more personally, while my readers                                     file,  oil.  Then  came  the  base  coat,
          can  get  to  know  me  better  in  the                               color, and top coat. Tom finished my
          process. Also, if you’ve been keeping                                 mom’s  nails  before  Tony  finished
          up with my series then you should                                     mine (since Tony had to remove the
          know that one of my best friends got  Since I have short nails, I didn’t  gel polish first) so I met my mom at
          married in April and I was maid of  think  manicures  would  be  for  me.  the nail drying station. We sat there
          honor at her wedding.              But for a self-care day, it was a de-  for a while as our polish dried and
             For most of my life I’ve had the  light.  The  cuticles  ointment,  the  we  listened  to  the  relaxing  music
          mindset of “why pay for someone to  moisturizer, the hand massage, the  being played.
          do something that I can do myself  peace of mind. It really is about treat-  Eventually,  Tom  came  over  to
          and save money?” This was specifi-  ing yourself.                     check our nails and we were given  Sarah  has  her  nails  done  at  Paradise
          cally true for painting my nails. Until  So for my best friend’s wedding,  the OK that our nails were dry and  Nails in Wayne.
          last year, I had never gotten a mani-  I decided to treat myself and got a  we were good to head over to check-  nails  dried.  After  some  time,  Tom
          cure or pedicure before (as I always  manicure and pedicure for the big  out. I was pleasantly surprised with  checked on my nails and removed
          do my nails myself). That was until  day.  I  got  gel  polish,  which  lasts  the total price for two manicures and  the separators and slippers from my
          my boyfriend had planned a self-care  longer. But the problem with gel pol-  my mom was thrilled with how her  feet, and gave me the OK to head to
          day  for  us  to  celebrate  Valentine’s  ish  is  that  nail  polish  remover  nails turned out.       the checkout.
          Day, which included pedicures. This  doesn’t work to remove it, so I can’t  Since I still needed the gel polish  My  nails  grow  very  fast,  so  11
          was  my  first  time  getting  one  and  take it off myself. Since I needed to  removed  from  my  toe  nails,  I  de-  days later by the time I got my toes
          that’s when I finally understood why  get the gel polish removed, instead of  cided to go back to Paradise Nails a  done,  my  fingernails  were  already
          people got them. It wasn’t just about  looking outside the City of Wayne, I  week later, on Friday, May 24th, to  growing out and there was a decent
          the nails, it was about the whole ex-  decided to try somewhere within the  get a pedicure and really give y’all the  size gap between my cuticles and the
          perience. The massage chair, the hot  city.                           full experience. After being greeted at  nail  polish.  With  how  quickly  my
          water  soak,  the  warm  towels,  the  On  Monday,  May  13th  (the  day  the door, I picked out the regular pol-  nails grow and how quickly I would
          foot  rub,  the  cuticles  ointment.  It  after Mother’s Day) I took my mom  ish color “Whipped Cream” and was  need to get my nails redone or filled
          was an extremely relaxing experience  to Paradise Nails to get manicures  directed  to  one  of  the  pedicure  in, I still plan to paint my own nails
          and my feet had never looked or felt  (her first) as a late Mother’s Day gift.  chairs in the back. Tom took care of  and  save  money.  However,  I  was
          better.                            We both were greeted at the door and  me this time.                  happy with the manicure and pedi-
             For Valentine’s Day this year, he  told to pick out our colors, since we  I turned my massage chair on as  cure I received from Paradise Nails.
          planned another self-care day for us,  both wanted regular polish.    my feet soaked in the warm water.    Paradise  Nails  is  located  at
          which included both manicures and     The gel polish on my nails for the  Tom removed my gel polish with the  35129 E Michigan Ave, and is open
          pedicures  this  time.  This  was  my  wedding was a Vanilla Chrome color,  nail  drill  and  then  began  my  pedi-  10 a.m. - 7 p.m Monday - Saturday,
          first manicure and I was a little un-  so I wanted to pick something bright  cure process: cuticle removal, trim,  11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday. For more
          sure of how I was going to like it. In  since  summer  is  coming.  I  chose  foot file, sander, scrub, and massage.  information about Paradise Nails or
          my  mind,  manicures  were  for  the  “Blue River” which reminded me of  Then came the lotion and hot towel  to  book  an  appointment,  call
          woman that get long, fancy, acrylic  robin’s egg blue. My mom is about  wrap,  followed  by  the  base  coat,  (734)641-7803.
          nails. That is not me. I think nails  all-things-pink-and-sparkly,  so  she  color, and top coat.          Even if you think manicures or
          like  that  are  beautiful  and  I  enjoy  chose “Cinder Shoes.”        With toe separators and dispos-  pedicures aren’t for you, just treat
          watching those aesthetically pleasing  I was directed to sit at Tony’s sta-  able slippers on my feet, I carefully  yourself at least once and give it a try.
          videos of the process of them being  tion, while my mom was directed to  walked to the nail drying station. I  Check out Paradise Nails, and be on
          done, but long nails on my own fin-  sit at Tom’s. Tony has been working  waited for a while, listening to the  the lookout for the next Spotlight Se-
          gers drive me crazy.               at Paradise Nails for three and a half  calming  music  playing  as  my  toe  ries with Sarah!

          16 · June 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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