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Sculpture Garden opens at Wayne Memorial

          By Sarah Shurge
             Some people can see something
          ordinary and imagine something ex-
          traordinary — all it takes is a vision.
          Where people just saw cement and
          grass, Lisa Hermann saw an oppor-
          tunity for her students.
             “I love gardening and we [Wayne
          Memorial  High  School]  have  this
          space that is just a cement pad and
          grass  that  is  not  very  pretty.  I
          thought it would be nice to put flow-
          ers out there, but I wanted to get the
          kids involved and create a space they
          would be happy to be in. So we used
          art  and  my  gardening,”  said  Her-
          mann, Wayne Memorial Art Instruc-
             This  is  Hermann’s  second  year
          teaching  at  Wayne  Memorial,  how-  The Sculpture Garden had its grand opening at Wayne Memorial on Tuesday, May
          ever, she’s been teaching for 38 years
          total. “Even after 38 years, I still love  21st.
          my job,” said Hermann. “To come in    Hermann  and  her  students       Hermann wanted to give a special  have art recognized, as well as bring
          and  see  all  the  kids  come  in  and  worked  with  cement,  which  was  a  shout out to Melandie Hines, School  awareness to being a part of the com-
          have a place to express themselves  new process for everyone. They cre-  Board Secretary,               munity. The plan is to continue to
          and create at any level, it gives me a  ated mushrooms and garden orbs,  Anika Corbitt, Marketing Special-  add  to  the  garden  year  after  year.
          lot of joy.”                       standing  sculpture  out  of  recycled  ist, as well as all Wayne Memorial ad-  Hermann’s students, as well as more
             Hermann wanted to turn the ce-  cans,  and  turned  two  fence  posts  ministration for attending the grand  classes will participate next year, and
          ment pad and grass into a sculpture  into “peace poles.” The poles say “let  opening. Also, a shout out to Studio  the garden will grow and continue to
          garden for her art students, so she  peace prevail on earth” in 16 differ-  1, Studio 2, Art 2, and the Link Art  be  a  place  kids  can  create  pieces.
          applied for a grant from the Wayne-  ent languages. The students also cre-  class for contributing to the garden.  “It's hard for kids to understand pub-
          Westland Foundation.               ated a zebra painting on a window    The  grand  opening  had  water,  lic art until they are a part of it,” said
             The  Wayne-Westland  Founda-    for  the  Zebra  Garden,  as  well  as  popcorn, and cookies, and music by  Hermann. “The kids knowing they
          tion’s goal is to provide opportunities  glass  beads  and  resin  for  another  the Zebra Band Saxophone Ensem-  were a part of creating that, it was re-
          for teachers to fund innovative expe-  window.                        ble playing the entire time. “It was a  ally cool to see.”
          riences that enhance the learning en-  Hermann teaches a mix between  really  nice  collaboration  with  the  Hermann stated that the plants
          vironment.                         grades 9-12, so around 50 kids were  band. They played very well,” said  are starting to come out in their box
             Hermann’s sculpture garden idea  involved in the sculpture garden. Her  Hermann.                     and the kids are so excited about it.
          was approved, and she received the  special needs class did the majority  Hermann  also  wanted  to  give  a  Hermann is hoping to have profes-
          grant she needed to bring the garden  of the planting and watering.   shout out to her husband, Jeff Avis.  sional artists come in the future and
          to life.                              The  Sculpture  Garden  had  its  “He  is  the  mind  behind  the  stable  teach the kids other ways to create
             She reused the planter beds that  grand opening at Wayne Memorial on  structures in the garden. I have the  sculptures.
          were not being used, the school dis-  Tuesday,  May  21st.  “I  was  thrilled  creative ideas and he does the imple-  “The kids feel ownership in the
          trict provided dirt, teachers donated  and it went great,” said Hermann. “I  mentation,” said Hermann.   space  and  that’s  what  I  was  going
          plants,  and  students  helped  plant  want  to  thank  all  the  people  that  Hermann  wants  the  sculpture  for,” said Hermann. “It's easy to do
          and water the plants.              were a part of it.”                garden to be a place to put art and  stuff when you love it.”

                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · June 2024 · 19
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