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Legacy Learning Center daycare opens in Wayne
By Sarah Shurge
Legacy Learning Center is bring-
ing affordable and quality childcare
to the City of Wayne.
“We don't have any daycares in
Wayne, living expenses have gone up,
and quality childcare is important,
so you don't have to worry what's
going on with your children,” said
Sabrethea Rice, Legacy Learning
Center owner.
The Wayne location will be the
third Legacy Learning Center day-
care, one being located in Romulus.
“This new location is perfect for any
type of transportation a parent has,”
said Kamellah Staten, Legacy Learn-
ing Center owner. “It’s right down the
street from the high school and
around the corner from the middle
school, so parents don't have to do
much driving or even if they have to
walk, parents don't have to worry
about how to get their child to day-
Rice has been part-owner of Mayor John Rhaesa with Legacy Learning Centers owners Kamellah Staten and Sabrethea Rice cut the ribbon on their new lo-
Legacy Learning Center for nine
years, while Staten has been part- cation in Wayne along with the city council, city administration, students, families and staff. Photo by Natalie Rhaesa
owner for five years. Both Rice and trained, with 100+ hours of training.
Staten are teachers as well. Children with autism are welcome at
Legacy Learning Center provides Legacy Learning Center. The center
a high-scope curriculum and interac- supplies nutritious meals, even to
tive learning environment. It pro- children with any dietary differences
vides an opportunity for children to (children with allergies, non-dairy,
grow physically, mentally, socially, vegan, etc.)
and emotionally while in a safe and “I love being the reason the kids
stimulating environment. The center are able to come in and have an en-
encourages the development of your joyable day. We leave an everlasting
child’s self-esteem, independence, impression on them,” said Rice. The
confidence, responsibility, and re- teachers not only love the kids, but
spect for others. “We plan to build fu- they love what they do as teachers.
ture legacies through education,” “When I got into this, I never
said Rice. thought I would like being a teacher,
Legacy Learning Center has qual- but I love it more than anything. It
ified and experienced staff. Teachers gives me purpose, to keep going, to
have been background checked, CPR teach them,” said Staten. Legacy Learning Center classroom.
22 · June 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch