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Spotlight, Continued from page 10                                                                       thing out to display their art. If they
                                                                                                                  want to sell it, we’ll sell it for them,”
             They offered complimentary cof-                                                                      said Goci. “It's really a cool concept
          fee  and  donuts  while  celebrating                                                                    and  gives  local  artists  a  place  to
          with  the  Wayne  Chamber  of  Com-                                                                     showcase their work. Art was meant
          merce,  the  Mayor,  and  city  leader-                                                                 to be seen and discussed. We always
          ship.                                                                                                   try to support art, whether painters
             “Thanks for showing up and sup-                                                                      or musicians.”
          porting  what  we're  trying  to  do  -                                                                    US 12 Bar & Grill has been a sta-
          bring a bakery back to Wayne,” said                                                                     ple in live music since the 60s.
          John Goci, Mike & Mona's Bakery                                                                            “If  you  haven't  been  here,  you
          Brunch and Coffee Shop owner, and                                                                       need to come at least once and try it
          local real estate agent. “Wayne hasn't                                                                  out.  If I’m doing something wrong,
          had one in 40 years. Johnson’s was                                                                      let me know. I’ll correct it,” said Goci.
          the last bakery.”                                                                                       “We  remodeled  the  patio,  so  come
             However, it was completely acci-                                                                     enjoy Fall eating out here.”
          dental how Goci ended up here. He                                                                          Gluten  free  bread  and  bun  op-
          bought Heritage Bakery in Livonia by                                                                    tions  will  be  added  to  the  brunch
          circumstance and ended up partner-  Ribbon cutting at Mike & Mona's Bakery Brunch and Coffee Shop owner John Goci,  menu soon, and the bakery hopes to
          ing with a 83 year old baker.      Mayor John Rhaesa, Mona, Scott Gocaj along with family, friends and City officials.   add sugar free options in the future.
             “I fell in love with the whole bak-  about making sure there are gluten  greens or fruit, and 4th choice: toast  Mike & Mona’s Bakery is located
          ery  business  and  loved  the  cus-  free and dairy free options available  - white, wheat, or rye.    at  34824  W.  Michigan  Ave,  and  is
          tomers  that  came  in.  I  decided  I  for  Mike  &  Mona's  Bakery  cus-  “This is a hand-crafted kitchen,  open  8  a.m.  -  3  p.m.  Wednesday  -
          wanted to bring a bakery to Wayne,”  tomers.                          so if you're in a hurry, we’re not your  Sunday, bakery open till 10PM.
          said Goci.                           “So many people have restrictions  place. Everything is prepared from  For more information about Mike
             Mike & Mona's Bakery - named    and there’s nothing close by that of-  scratch, so it does take a little bit  &  Mona’s  Bakery,  call  (734)722-
          after Goci’s parents - partners with  fers options for that. We have an op-  longer,” said Goci. While you wait for  3170.  You  can  find  them  on  Face-
          Heritage Bakery and receives prod-  tion for everyone,” said Dawson.   your food, you can enjoy art. Mike &  book by searching “Mike & Mona’s
          ucts from there. Due to the partner-  The bakery also offers espressos,  Mona's  Bakery  Brunch  and  Coffee  Bakery”.  Keep an eye on their Face-
          ship,  customers  are  able  to  place  cappuccinos, and lattes (dairy free  Shop proudly displays local artwork.  book page for specials and updates.
          orders (like donuts) in advance with  options included).                “If we run into an artist or they
          Mike & Mona's Bakery.                “There are not a lot of places that  come in, we’re happy to work some-      See Spotlight, page 13
             “If you're a fan of Heritage, let us  are catering to people with dietary re-
          know what you want in advance and  strictions. We’re testing the waters
          we’ll  have  it  here  for  you  waiting,”  and seeing how the public supports
          said Goci. The bakery not only offers  it,” said Goci. “People need to sup-
          donuts, but items like: lemon cakes,  port their ecosystem. It's up to them
          brownies, banana cake, peach cob-  if we make it or not.”
          bler,  coffee  cake,  cupcakes,  and  Some  of  the  popular  brunch
          more. It depends on the day.       items are: the potato bowls, lobster
             “If  anyone  is  looking  for  some-  omelet, and the breakfast special.
          thing,  I’m  happy  to  do  it,”  said  The $6 breakfast special is avail-
          Brenda Dawson, Mike & Mona's Bak-  able 7 a.m. - 11 a.m. Wednesday -
          ery barista/head server.           Sunday, and is: two eggs your way,
             After going gluten and dairy free  four choices. 1st choice: ham, bacon,
          over two years ago, Dawson started  sausage, or turkey bacon (+$1.50),
          coming up with her own recipes and  2nd choice: house hash, redskin po-
          creations. Dawson is now passionate  tatoes,  or  fries,  3rd  choice:  mix

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