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Bakery, Brunch and Coffee Shop is worth a stop

             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-                                  gluten free and dairy free. I am not a  coffee was hot and fresh, and had a
          light Series with Sarah!                                              gluten or dairy free person (so I was  strong, solid coffee taste.
             The series where the writer gets                                   not sure what I was expecting) but I  A  while  after,  my  food  was
          to  know  the  city  more  personally,                                was pleasantly surprised with how  brought out too. It had a beautiful
          while  the  readers  get  to  know  the                               good  the  brownie  tasted.  The  presentation and I was excited to try
          writer better in the process.                                         brownie was soft and the peanut but-  it. The omelet was thick and had a
             If  there’s  anything  you  should                                 ter frosting was light and not over-  good cheese pull. (Who doesn’t love
          know about me, it’s that I love food.                                 bearing.                          a  good  cheese  pull?)  There  was  a
          Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Burgers,                                   Out of the two sweet treats I or-  strong  bacon  taste  that  compli-
          pasta, pizza, or seafood. Doesn’t mat-  Mike & Mona's Bakery is a sepa-  dered,  I  actually  preferred  the  mented  the  avocado  well.  The
          ter, I don’t discriminate. I’ll eat it all.  rate room located inside US 12 Bar  brownie.               tomato in pico tasted fresh.
             For years now I’ve been a big fan  & Grill. Upon opening the door to  My boyfriend is one of those hu-  The house hash (thinly sliced po-
          of  breakfast  foods.  Eggs,  bacon,  Mike  &  Mona's  Bakery,  you  are  mans  that  isn’t  a  fan  of  breakfast  tatoes) were crispy on the edge and
          sausage, pancakes, French toast, an  greeted by the bakery display first.   foods or eating earlier in the day, so  soft in the middle. They were hon-
          omelet, biscuits and gravy? Yes, to   If you recall from one of my pre-  he just stuck with his sweet treats. I,  estly my favorite part of the meal.
          all. And the best part about break-  vious Spotlights, my boyfriend and I  however, had every intention of or-  The food was so filling, I had to
          fast food is that it’s good anytime of  have a sweet tooth. That being said,  dering some food from the brunch  get a box to take the leftovers home.
          day. Breakfast in the morning? Clas-  we  decided  to  order  some  sweet  menu.                        (I never have leftovers, so this was
          sic. Breakfast in the afternoon? Of  treats  from  the  bakery  first.    My  For brunch, I ordered an avocado  new to me). I was very satisfied with
          course.  Breakfast  for  dinner?  De-  boyfriend  got  a  cherry  chip  donut  omelet with house hash and a black  my meal and overall experience. I al-
          lighted.                           and cheese danish, while I ordered a  coffee. The avocado omelet consists  ready plan on going back to try the
             So when I heard about a new bak-  peanut  butter  brownie  and  cookie  of bacon, avocado, and jack cheese  lobster omelet that caught my eye on
          ery  and  brunch  shop  in  Wayne,  of  cannoli.                      topped with pico.                 the  menu.  Mike  &  Mona's  Bakery
          course I had to give it a try and re-  The cookie cannoli was smooth    I  was  brought  a  glass  of  water  Brunch and Coffee Shop soft-opened
          view it for my readers.            and creamy on the inside, and had  and my cup of coffee first. Again if  a few months ago, but had their rib-
             On Thursday, September 5th, my  what appeared to be Oreo crumble   you recall from one of my previous  bon  cutting  ceremony  on  Tuesday,
          boyfriend and I stopped by Mike &  on the ends of it. It was a light and  Spotlights,  I  am  someone  that  July 16th.
          Mona's  Bakery  Brunch  and  Coffee  refreshing treat.                drinks their coffee black, so the ac-
          Shop.                                 The peanut butter brownie was   tual  quality  of  coffee  matters.  The    See Spotlight, page 13

                                                                                                             The Wayne Dispatch · September 2024 · 11
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