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M a r g a r e t her husband of 66 years, Joseph J.
Agnes (Bozelak) Rosenberger Jr., formerly of Fulton,
R o s e n b e r g e r, Michigan, who passed away on June
aged 90, of 24, 2022. She was also preceded in
Wayne, Michigan, death by her brothers George (Dar-
passed away on lene) Bozelak and John (Mary) Boze-
Tuesday, July lak; brother-in-law Donald (Shirley)
23rd, 2024. Mar- Rosenberger; and sister-in-law
garet, known as Sharon Harrell.
Marge, was born Marge is survived by her daugh-
on June 30th, ter, Diane (Rosenberger) Tomashik;
1934, in Detroit, to the late I. Agnes grandchildren, Ian (Abbey)
(New) and Joseph Bozelak. She was Tomashik and Aiden Tomashik; son-
raised on her family’s farm in Romu- in-law Robert Tomashik; sister-in-
lus before she moved to Wayne in law Sheila (Mick) Hoefferle; and
1959. sixteen nieces and nephews.
Marge worked almost 30 years as Her family would like to thank
an elementary school cook at Hoover the staff at American House on
Elementary in Wayne, and loved Venoy Road in Westland and the
working with children. At home, she Homestead medical and hospice
enjoyed cooking, bowling, gardening, teams who helped care for her over
preserving food, working on comput- the past nine months.
ers, and knitting and crocheting Her ashes will be buried with her
blankets and bags, many of which parents and family at Michigan Me-
she donated. morial Park next spring. A small fam-
Marge was preceded in death by ily service will be held at that time.
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18 · December 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch