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Help spread Christmas cheer with the Giving Tree at Hype

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         five years as well.
             Most  of  us  think  about  what  a                                                                     “My  favorite  part  is  seeing  how
          magical  time  Christmas  is  for  our                                                                  the work we do makes a direct im-
          children, but we may not think about                                                                    pact  with  people  that  benefit  from
          how Christmas can be difficult for                                                                      our services,” said Barylski.
          those struggling financially. Parents                                                                      Item distribution begins Monday,
          that want to make the holidays spe-                                                                     December 16th, and ends on Friday,
          cial for their children but financially                                                                 December 20th. The Salvation Army
          can’t afford to.                                                                                        is still in need of adopters/people to
             The good news is, there’s a way                                                                      participate in the Giving Tree.
          you can get involved and help make                                                                         “It’s a great opportunity to make
          a difference for those families!                                                                        a  difference  in  our  community  for
             “You can help through the Giving                                                                     those in need during the holiday sea-
          Tree,”  said  Andy  Barylski,  ENVOY,                                                                   son,” said Barylski.
          Wayne Westland Salvation Army ad-                                                                          If you have any questions regard-
          ministrator. “You take a tag off the                                                                    ing how to get involved with the Giv-
          tree  and  purchase  items  that  are  Andy Barylski, ENVOY, Wayne Westland Salvation Army administrator and Santa  ing Tree, call (734)722-3660, or visit
             The  Giving  Tree  is  an  annual  looking at the of items to be purchased on the Giving Tree.       westland
          project  the  Salvation  Army  hosts  been  determined  “in  need”  by  the  support the local community,” said  The Salvation Army Wayne West-
          around the Christmas season to as-  Salvation Army.                   Barylski. “There are struggling peo-  land Corps Community Center is lo-
          sist families in need within the com-  Items  can  include:  toys,  coats,  ple in our neighborhood, and this is  cated at 2300 S Venoy Rd, Westland,
          munity or surrounding communities.  hats, gloves, and more.           a way to make a difference right here.  and is open Monday - Saturday 8:30
             The tree has a bunch of tags avail-  Once  you  have  purchased  your  It makes a direct impact in our com-  a.m. - 4 p.m. and 24 hours on Sun-
          able  for  the  community  to  grab.  items listed on the tag, you can drop  munity.”                   day.
          Each tag has an age, gender, and sug-  them off at an Angel Tree location or  Barylski has been with the Salva-  Be  sure  to  pick  up  a  tag,  pur-
          gested (by the family) items for the  to the Salvation Army. It’s that sim-  tion Army for almost 20 years, serv-  chase those items, bring them to a lo-
          child. Families sign up for assistance  ple.                          ing  under  his  current  title  for  five  cation, and make a difference this
          in  November  and  all  families  have  “All donations received go back to  years, and been a Wayne resident for  holiday season!

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · December 2024 · 13
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