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Former Mayor Commissioner “Al”Haidous retires
By Sarah Shurge
If you voted last month, you
might have noticed a familiar name
missing from the ballot.
After 40 plus years of work and
dedication to the city of Wayne, for-
mer Mayor Abdul “Al” Haidous, de-
cided to no longer seek another term
as Wayne County Commissioner.
“I write to inform you that in the
upcoming election, I will not seek an-
other term. I will complete my term
ending December 31st, 2024, and
will be stepping down as your Wayne
County Commissioner at that time,”
said Haidous, Wayne County Com-
missioner, in a press release.
Haidous attended the Wayne city
council meeting on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 19th, to address the city of
Wayne personally.
“I felt I should come here tonight Commissioner Al Haidous is presented with a City of Wayne flag by Wayne Council persons Kathy Lawrence, Rabih Darwiche,
to let the citizens of Wayne know
about my decision and thank you, Deb Wass, Mayor Pro Tem Alfred Brock, Council persons Don Quarles, Kevin Dowd and Mayor John Rhaesa. Photo by Ali Said
thank the mayor, and the city coun- the podium and thanked the citizens citizens of Wayne for a great Ameri- Haidous decided to retire from his
cil, the city manager, and all the de- attending the meeting. can story where it began almost with position as Wayne County Commis-
partment heads, all the city “I will keep saying thank you be- nothing but hope.” sioner.
employees for making the city of cause my American dream story is a Haidous was first elected in No- “I decided to hang my hat and try
Wayne a special city and community story that the community in the city vember 2014 to represent the Wayne to have time to volunteer, listen to
to me,” said Haidous. of Wayne should have the credit for,” County Commission's 11th District, my wife, and try to see what it looks
Hadious even turned away from said Haidous. “I’m here to thank the which covers the cities of Belleville, like to get up in the morning and you
Romulus and Wayne; Huron, don’t have to look at a calendar,” said
Sumpter and Van Buren townships; Haidous.
and part of the city of Westland. Tuesday, December 31st, will be
There are seven communities in his last day.
District-11, but Wayne has always “I’ll be available for volunteerism
felt like “home” to Haidous. if you ever need me,” said Haidous.
Haidous had served as the city of Haidous received a standing ova-
Wayne's mayor from 2001-2014. tion from those attending the meet-
“My story begins in this city. The ing. Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa
support, the love, and the respect presented Haidous with a plaque of
the citizens of Wayne gave me in gratitude and a giant City of Wayne
1974 when I moved to Wayne got me flag. “It’s great to live in the city of
to where I’m at today. I wouldn’t be Wayne,” said Hadious.
able to do what I did without their We thank Haidous for all the
support, respect, and love to me, my work he’s done for the city of Wayne
wife, and my family,” said Haidous. and wish him the best with his up-
After many years of service, coming retirement!
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2024 · 5