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Drive-thru lights show at Eloise

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         duced by the Bostick Family, who are
             A  high-tech  drive-thru  lights                                                                     nationally renowned for their annual
          show “MI Bright Lights” awaits you                                                                      “Bostick Family Light Show” display
          at Eloise.                                                                                              in Garden City, and have been fea-
             “While Eloise is best known for                                                                      tured in Good Morning America, The
          bringing  the  scary  during  the  Hal-                                                                 Tonight Show, and in People Maga-
          loween season, we are excited to em-                                                                    zine. “We have had a blast putting on
          brace   the   merry   with   our                                                                        our annual light show over the last
          first-of-its-kind, for our venue, holi-                                                                 four years at our home, and as it has
          day  light  show,”  said  John  Ham-                                                                    continued to gain popularity, it be-
          brick, Eloise Hospital owner and MI                                                                     came quite apparent that we needed
          Bright Lights co-owner.                                                                                 a larger venue,” said Kyle Bostick, MI
             You can enjoy the 250,000-light                                                                      Bright  Lights  co-owner.  “This  new
          show – which is synchronized to a                                                                       space is allowing us to elevate our
          special soundtrack filled with holi-                                                                    show to new heights and bring our
          day favorites – from the comfort and                                                                    creative vision to life.”
          warmth of your own vehicle.                                                                                MI  Bright  Lights  is  located  at
             The experience includes a ¾-mile                                                                     30712  Michigan  Ave,  Westland.  It
          drive-thru display with a high-tech                                                                     opened  on  Wednesday,  November
          pixel-based light show synchronized                                                                     29th, and will operate daily from 5
          to seasonal music that is accessible                                                                    p.m. – 10 p.m. through Sunday, Jan-
          by  a  radio  station  unique  to  MI  Come check out the high-tech drive-thru lights show “MI Bright Lights” at Eloise.  uary 5th, 2025. Santa Land opened
          Bright Lights guests.                 In  addition  to  the  immersive  golf, an interactive North Pole mail-  on Friday, November 29th and will
             Each  section  of  the  drive-thru  drive-thru  experience,  guests  can  box, complementary photo-op areas,  be open every Friday – Sunday.
          captures the essence of the season,  enjoy a skating rink (opened Friday,  and more.  Families can also walk  Tickets can be purchased in ad-
          featuring a tunnel, a Christmas tree  December 6th), s’mores, hot cocoa,  through  the  newly  created  Santa  vance for $20 per vehicle at mibright-
          forest, “Candy Cane Lane” (with 14-  and a 350-foot zip line for purchase.  Land and meet Santa Claus (photos  Be  sure  to  experience
          foot-tall  candy  canes),  and  Santa’s  There will also be warming stations,  will be available for purchase).    this nationally acclaimed light-show
          Workshop.                          a heated tent, an inflatable putt-putt  The new holiday show is co-pro-  while you can!

          8 · December 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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