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Art Wilson: local pastor and international peace maker
By Sarah Shurge
Some people wish for world
peace, while other people work for it.
Art Wilson is the latter.
You may know Wilson as the
founding pastor of The International
Church of Metro Detroit, but you
might not know that he also serves
as an ambassador to the United Na-
The United Nations is an interna-
tional organization founded in 1945
by 51 countries after the Second
World War. These countries are com-
mitted to maintaining international
peace and security, developing
friendly relations among nations,
and promoting social progress, bet-
ter living standards, and human
For the last 12 years, Wilson has
served as diplomat to the United Na-
tions. As a diplomat, Wilson serves
as a mediator of peace and develop-
ment. He is a part of discussions and
projects that are designed to create
an atmosphere of peace in the world.
In 2013, he was invited to the
United Nations in Manhattan, New
York as an adjunct speaker and has
been invited many times since. Bethany and Pastor Art Wilson at a diplomatic meeting at the United Nations in Manhattan, New York.
In 2015, Wilson was appointed as 2010.
Goodwill Ambassador and Special Wilson explained that TIC is an
Envoy on Peace and Development for extremely diverse, multicultural
the World Association of the United church with at least 10 different na-
Nations Interns and Fellows (WAFU- tionalities within leadership and
NIF). teams. There can be anywhere from
Wilson has continued to work on 300 to 400 people attending on Sun-
diplomatic projects in countries like days.
India, Honduras, and Azerbaijan. However, TIC needed room to ex-
“My goal since joining the min- pand its ministries, so groundbreak-
istry was to have an international im- ing began in June 2024 for a new
pact and to be able to assist in any addition to be built onto the church.
way possible in any where possible,” This addition will have a new sanctu-
said Pastor Wilson. “It doesn't hap- ary that can seat 700 - 800 people
pen unless God opens the door and and a community center to house
it seems like God opened the door.” over 50 ministries to the community.
Wilson didn’t always plan on TIC will be expanding its ESL
being a pastor, starting a church, or classes, community service, immi-
joining the ministry. gration assistance, master classes
“I never dreamed of it,” said Pas- for success development, serving the
tor Wilson. “I expected to be more of community in the outreach depart-
an athlete.” ment, and launching for the first
Wilson attended church more, time a theater division for Easter
got married, and he began to focus From left to right, Hakim Shakir, Mayor John Rhaesa, Pastor Art Wilson,Jeremy Wal- and Christmas.
on family and a religious foundation. “It's extremely exciting,” said Pas-
When he was around 20 years old, ters and Haider Bajari break ground for the new sanctuary at The International tor Wilson. “Our church has always
he started taking classes in church. Church of Metro Detroit. been a mission minded church, fo-
Wilson went on to receive a PhD in cepted an opportunity to become a 2002, but didn’t have a stable loca- cused on serving the community in
Education and Divinity and a Mas- pastor in 2002, when I created the tion. The church was mainly focused every way possible.
ter’s degree in Hebrew. church.” on community service at first, until An important part of the TIC’s
“Opportunity to minister became Wilson founded The International they got their first building in 2009.
more clear,” said Pastor Wilson. “I ac- Church of Metro Detroit (TIC) in TIC has been located in Wayne since See Pastor, page 13
The Wayne Dispatch · January 2025 · 3