Page 8 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 8
DDA, Continued from page 7
placed the cement at Derby’s Alley. 6)
Removed planting materials and
mulch from the beds in the parking
lot behind Leo’s Jewelry and placed
decorative rock. 7) Removed plant-
ing materials in all flower beds in
front of the brick walls, placed new
mulch, and daylilies.
“It was a very productive year
with beautifying the parking lots and
streetscapes, and doing improve-
ment work which hadn't been done
in years,” said Gouin. Vince Law, Mayor: John Rhaesa,
The DDA also purchased a new Flowers in the Mitten/Makers Mar-
drone for the Wayne Police Depart- ket: Rachel Botu, Professional Insur-
ment (WPD) to be used for public ance: David Steinhauer, Moonlit
safety purposes in the district. Mystic: Tiffany Walker, and Resident:
DDA project priorities for 2025: Pier-LA’Shaye Walker.
new overhead lights and furniture in “It’s a very dedicated group of
Derby’s Alley, complete design of way business owners that are deter-
finding signage, and improvements mined in helping the DDA district
to Goudy Park (splash pad and grow,” said Gouin.
playscape, metal entrance arch, and Gouin has been the DDA Director
parking lot renovations). for seven years.
The DDA Administration and “My favorite part is the ability in
Board of Directors consist of: DDA my role to recruit new businesses to
Director: Lori Gouin, Marketing & the city and to work with existing
Events: Lisa Kubany, Administrative businesses to help grow their busi-
Assistant: Cathy Broge, Chairman: ness,” said Gouin.
James Demmer, Vice-Chair: Kim Thank you to the DDA and every-
White Jenkins, Secretary/Treasurer: thing they do for our city!
8 · January 2025 · The Wayne Dispatch