Page 11 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 11
Oil under Wayne –
The Imperial Oil Co.
By Tyler Moll fire protection. The pipeline opened
Did you know that for over 100 February 25, 1914 and was the first
years there has been oil coursing pipeline to ever cross an interna-
under the ground on the west end of tional boundary. The oil from this
the city? Did you know that the oil line supplied a majority of the fuels
that came through Wayne helped the used by the military during World
US win WWI and WWII? Lets start at War I and later World War II. By the
the beginning. In 1899 the company 30s the pipeline was connected to
headquarters of Imperial Oil moved more productive oil fields in Okla-
to Sarnia, Ontario where Standard homa over 1,000 miles away, and by
Oil had a huge refinery. To supply 1939 the pipeline was pumping
this refinery, crude oil was brought 23,000 barrels of oil per day to Sar-
in by ship across the great lakes, but nia. The Wayne pumping station had
this was slow and subject to inter- five-100 horsepower pumps to keep
ruption. In 1913 it was decided to the oil flowing, and by 1954 was
build a direct pipeline to supply the pumping 45,000 barrels per day. It
refinery. The route was to be 155 is unclear when the original lines
miles from Sarnia to Cygnet, Ohio were replaced and improved, but
which at the time produced much of Wayne is still a pumping station
the U.S. oil. A six-inch wide pipe was today on the original 1913 site.
laid at a cost of $1,000,000, and two Today the pumping station is still at
pumping stations were built. One at 4400 Treadwell road and is operated
Cygnet, and one halfway along the by Buckeye Pipeline. From Wayne
line at Wayne, Michigan. The Wayne two 12-inch lines run south to
pumping station was built in the Toledo, and two 8-inch lines run
summer of 1913 on the south side of north to Novi and Flint. In aerial
the Michigan Central Railroad views the original fire protection
Tracks, west of the junction, along pond from 1913 is still visible on the
Treadwell. Several brick pump- site, though it looks like most of the
houses and outbuildings were built, buildings have been changed over
and a large pond was dug to provide time.
The Wayne Dispatch · July 2019 · 11