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Playscape rises with community help
By Carolyn Marnon sembled. This consisted of lifting
“One of the first things I tell the parts and bolting them together.
group is ‘I'm really good at play- “One of the most satisfying parts
grounds, but I'm really bad at of helping a group build a play struc-
names,’” said Wayne resident Juan ture is seeing people smile and be
Bradford, Community Build Super- proud of themselves after assem-
visor for Miracle Midwest, Miracle bling something when earlier that
Playscapes that manufactured the day they didn't even know how a
new playscape at Rotary Park II lo- ratchet wrench worked,” said Juan.
cated on Chamberlain between John “Thankfully, we didn’t have any
and Stellwagen streets in Wayne. last-minute surprises like not
Volunteers from throughout the enough volunteers or bad weather.
Wayne community came together on Even though it was around 90° and
Friday, June 28, and Saturday, June humid each day, everyone did a good
29, to construct the new playscape job of keeping hydrated and taking
that officially opened Monday, July 1. breaks when needed. We don’t want
“My job is to go out and assist Mayor John Rhaesa and the City of Wayne, along with community volunteers, thanks anyone working harder than they are
groups that purchase playground Beaumont Regional Affairs Manager - Eric Woody and Beaumont Hospital for their able to, that’s how people can get
equipment with the intent of in- hurt and we definitely don’t want
stalling it themselves with volun- generous gift of new playground equipment for Wayne Rotary II Park on Chamberlain. that. I want everyone who was there
teers. I typically end up working with quickly evaluate their skill level, Public Works (DPW) prepared the to look back in a month or a year
schools, churches, municipalities, stamina, and ability to work as a ground while volunteers unloaded and remember how much fun they
HOA's and I will travel anywhere in leader or follower. There truly is a the playscape components and had,” continued Juan. “As a former
Michigan, Indiana, or Ohio,” said job for everyone and I do my best to moved them to the areas where they City of Wayne employee who worked
Juan. “The most challenging part of find them that job. That and remem- would be installed. Posts were then for the Parks and Recreation Depart-
my job is taking a group of people bering everyone's name. dropped in preparation for assembly.
whom I have just met that day and Friday, the Wayne Department of Saturday, the playscape was as- See Playscape, page 9
8 · July 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch