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After pressure from the community, school board acts
By Carolyn Marnon pay increase, therefore members that not all administrators sup- determines that the concerns regard-
On June 14, the Wayne-Westland had a reason not doing anything to ported the written complaint that ing her conduct have been resolved
Board of Education received a writ- investigate any claims. The board had been made. Another speaker and/or addressed. During her leave,
ten complaint from was questioned as to why former said “If she’s (Dr. Holt) done nothing Dr. Holt is not allowed to be on
a former District Wayne High School Principal Kevin wrong, she has nothing to hide.” The school grounds, act as a representa-
employee regarding Weber was immediately removed president of the teacher’s union said tive of the school district, engage in
the conduct and ac- from his position when allegations the union has no position on the mat- any activities related to the perform-
tions of the Superin- were made against him (details were ter before the Board. ance of her duties, or communicate
tendent of Schools, not given), but allegations against the The School Board, consisting of with any school district employee
Dr. Shelley Holt. Dr. superintendent were not being im- Tom Buckalew, David R. Cox, Me- without first obtaining permission
Holt has been in the mediately investigated. Another landie Hines, Carol Middel, Mark from the school board president,
position for two speaker claimed the children were Neal, Frederick L. Weaver and David R. Cox. Dr. Holt was directed
years, succeeding being used as pawns. There was a Shawna Walker, voted 4-3 to have to participate in all aspects of the in-
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Har- claim that Dr. Holt’s husband served the allegations fully investigated to vestigation including, but not limited
of Schools, mala, who took a in the military with someone related determine their validity or lack to, appearing for and participating in
Dr. Shelley Holt new position with to the school board and that another thereof. The investigation will be con- any requested interviews.
Madonna University school board member was a sorority ducted by the attorneys of the Lusk While Dr. Holt is on leave, Ms.
in 2017. The Board had also re- sister of Dr. Holt. One speaker called Albertson law firm; the findings shall Jennifer Curry, Assistant Superin-
ceived similar complaints about Dr. out Dr. Holt on smirking and eye- be reported to the Board. tendent of Standards, Learning and
Holt that have been expressed by rolling during board meetings. An- After the resolution to go forward Innovation, was designated by the
members of the community at other five-minute recess was called with the investigation was passed, Board as the Interim Superinten-
school board meetings. when Anthony Adams, Dr. Holt’s at- the Board continued to take com- dent.
A special Board of Education torney, tried to once again address ments from those who remained in In a letter released by the school
meeting was called for Thursday, the Board out of order. A mother of the audience. After the vote, about district after the meeting, Board
June 20, to determine whether an in- a 2019 graduate and a freshman 1/3 of the attendees chose to leave. A President David R. Cox stated “The
vestigation should be initiated into said that Dr. Holt has been a trans- teacher said trust needed to be re- Wayne- Westland Board of Education
the allegations against Dr. Holt. formational leader in the two years built between all parties. A Westland believes that a strong responsive
School Board President David R. she’s been in the District and that councilwoman addressed the board public school system is essential to
Cox tried to start the meeting by she’s a model leader. A woman read about alleged corruption in West- the health and vitality of the commu-
hearing from students and recent an NAACP statement. A gentleman land. Another person requested that nity we serve. To carry out our mis-
graduates who had gathered at the who had been a substitute teacher the report, when ready, be released sion of educating and preparing all
meeting. A five-minute recess had to spoke about witnessing Kevin Weber to the community. An administrator students to be knowledgeable, re-
be called when Dr. Holt’s attorney being escorted out of his office. A asked for a fair investigation while sponsive, contributing members of a
tried to speak at the podium out of principal said Dr. Holt has been the keeping the district moving forward. global society, we must provide an
turn before the first student had a best superintendent she’s worked Another person said the issue at environment of trust within our
chance to speak. “Let the kids talk,” with in 15 years. A woman said an hand was not about race, faith or buildings that is safe and secure for
came from somewhere in Wayne Me- investigation needed to be done to character but about the allegations. all to work, learn and grow.”
morial High School’s Stockmeyer Au- determine what’s factual and what’s A rising senior at Wayne Memorial The letter continued, “The Board
ditorium which was almost filled to rumor otherwise the rumors will spoke to the “children” in the audi- has recently been presented with se-
capacity with concerned citizens. continue. She said if nothing is ence (n reference to students), “Don’t rious allegations lodged against the
One of the student speakers told wrong, the issue should be put to let adults influence what you say or Superintendent of Schools. The alle-
the Board to act on the community’s rest. A gentleman agreed, saying an do or that you don’t know what you gations contend, in pertinent part,
behalf and not “on your personal investigation would determine what are talking about.” A plea was made that a culture of fear, favoritism, and
opinion.” During the five-hour meet- did and didn’t happen so Dr. Holt to bring Lindsay Rousseau, former intimidation has been perpetuated
ing, there were claims that the super- could get her life back. It was also Assistant Principal at Wayne Memo- by the Superintendent, resulting in
intendent had given the board a 44% mentioned by a district employee rial, back to her position. She was adverse impacts on staff and, ulti-
recently reassigned to Marshall mately, our school community.”
Upper Elementary as its Principal. A The letter concludes “Importantly,
gentleman spoke about how he had the action to place the Superinten-
addressed the school board last year dent on administrative leave while
about his concerns when many staff an investigation is conducted is not
members from central office retired disciplinary, nor does it represent
or left the district. A woman com- any accusation of wrongdoing. It is a
mended the students who had spo- necessary procedural process re-
ken earlier on the way they quired to determine the validity or
conducted themselves better than lack of validity of these allegations.
adults; she also demanded Ms. Completing this process fairly,
Rousseau be offered her former po- quickly and professionally with re-
sition back. spect to all parties involved will be
After the vote, Superintendent Dr. essential to the resolution of this
Shelley Holt was placed on adminis- issue and the return of focus to our
trative leave. She will remain on paid central mission - the education of
administrative leave until the Board our students.”
The Wayne Dispatch · July 2019 · 13