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The Wayne Rotary Concerts in Goudy Park are Wednesday nights in Downtown Wayne starting July 17th.
          Your summer concert season has arrived!

          July 17-Major Woody                Shelton (lead vocals), Carl Gerhard  July 31-Live Bullet Detroit     honor of sharing the stage with some
             The  2019  Summer  Concerts  in  (lead   guitar),   Greg   Panaretos  According to the band’s Facebook  of the original 80’s greats including
          Goudy Park will kick off on Wednes-  (rhythm guitar), Mike Wigand (bass  page, Live Bullet Detroit “Formed  Steven  Adler  of  Gun’s  &  Roses,
          day, July 17, with Major Woody, a  guitar), Tim McPherson (keyboard)  in July 2015.  Live Bullet Detroit is  Berlin, Foreigner, Brett Michaels of
          band that has not performed in past  and  Duran  Grisa  (drums)  as  they  comprised of some of the area’s top  Poison, Sebastion Bach of Skid Row,
          summer  concerts.  This  Livonia   gather to entertain you at the open-  musicians. Lead by the strong vocals  Night  Ranger,  Winger,  .38  Special,
          cover  band,  formed  in  1992,  per-  ing concert of the Goudy Park sum-  and  stage  performance  of  Kevin  Loverboy, Warrant, Faster Pussycat,
          forms pop, rock, Motown and clas-  mer series.                        Evans, expect to be entertained by  John Waite, and many more.   Come
          sics. There have been a few member                                    music from the Live Bullet album in  see  why  ROCKSTAR  is  known  as
          changes over the years, but four of  July 24-Theo Gridiron            its entirety as well as other favorites.  ‘The International 80’s Rock Sensa-
          the original founding members are     Theo  Gridiron  is  the  singer  of  Adding  to  the  performance,  the  tion’  by  getting  the  Ultimate  80’s
          currently  in  the  band.  The  seven-  the Detroit Lions fight song. Theo’s  members are also dressed in cloth-  Rock Experience!
          piece  band  has  male  and  female  life changed when he tried out for the  ing from the 70's to give a complete  Concerts will begin at 7:30 p.m.
          front singers; the size of the band al-  2004 WDIV Super Singer contest in  BOB SEGER EXPERIENCE!”      on Wednesdays at the Amphitheatre
          lows for a full sound and versatility  Detroit where he caught the eye of a                             in Goudy Park. The concerts are pre-
          in  song  choice.  According  to  Patti  Detroit Lion’s exec who reached out  August 7-ROCKSTAR         sented to you by the Wayne Rotary
          Dickson, wife of lead vocalist Glenn  and  asked  if  Theo  would  be  inter-  ROCKSTAR will be making their  Club.
          Dickson,  “Major  Woody’s  greatest  ested in performing the team’s fight  2nd appearance in the Wayne sum-
          asset and reason for their popularity  song  at  home  games.  Born  and  mer  concert  series,  having  played  The  remaining  concerts  for  Au-
          is their contagious fun and enthusi-  raised  in  Detroit,  Theo  has  devel-  here  last  summer.  This  80s  hair  gust include:
          asm. Guaranteed a good time that   oped  his  brand  of  “soul-stirring,  band will give you the ultimate 80s  Steve King and the Dittilies
          people can’t resist joining in. They  gospel-influenced, pure Detroit soul”  rock experience. Their repertoire in-  (Aug. 14)
          also limit the amount of venues they  from an early age, according to his  cludes hits from Quiet Riot, Journey,  Power Play (Aug. 21)
          perform,  thus  keeping  them  fresh  website. A blue-collar Big 3 worker  Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Poison, Mot-  Fifty Amp Fuse (Aug. 28)
          and excited for their performances.  by  day,  he  brings  his  passion  for  ley  Crue,  Cinderella,  Night  Ranger  These bands will be highlighted
          They  will  not  disappoint!”    Join  singing to the Goudy Park stage on  and many others. According to their  in next month’s edition of The Wayne
          Glenn Dickson (lead vocals), Carrie  Wednesday, July 24.              website,  “ROCKSTAR  has  had  the  Dispatch.
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2019 · 3
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