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Community shares memories of “Wild Bill”
By Carolyn Marnon causes. Bill cared! Bill loved to help loved person I’ve ever known. He got change a bike tire tube when I was 7
Upon hearing the news of William others.— Sharon Arthur joy from helping everyone he knew years old at his bike shop. There was
“Wild Bill” Copland’s death, mem- and those he’d just met. a pile of old bikes and parts outside
bers of the community shared their Wild Bill was truly one of the — Kathy Darfler that he didn’t use and would let the
condolences and memories of Bill on nicest people in the world. Always kids go into and take parts. Some of
The Wayne Dispatch’s Facebook kind, funny and generous. What a Wayne will never be the same us even built a bike with them.
page. giant presence in our community as without him! — Rayma Hogan — Robert Webb
far back as I can remember.
He will be missed dearly by every- — Regenia Higgs He did so much for the commu- Wild Bill was a neighbor who
body that knew him. I was fortunate nity that people don’t know about. A liked to have fun. He used to go trick
enough to have known him for al- He touched many lives. true lover of Wayne and its people. or treat in costume with his kids. —
most 50 years. This awesome amaz- — Carla Jo — Ed McMurray Kathy Johnson
ing man helped me out too many
times to count with any bicycle part Bought my first mini-bike from I saved up all my chore money His parents lived down the street
I ever needed and never asked me to him. Everytime I’ve seen him, he’s al- when I was 8 to buy a BMX helmet from me growing up in Wayne. All
pay for nothing when I was in need. ways had a kind word. at the bike shop. We used to ride up throughout my life I don’t ever re-
— Bob Sweet —Tom Cahill there and get our tires filled for free member him being mean or hateful,
like family. always willing to help and always
Wild Bill was a great fixture in We have lost many important — Hannah Flores had a smile. Used to see him at the
Wayne. He was always so friendly things in the city of Wayne, however Dunkin’ Donuts on Wayne Rd talking
and about the hardest working man none can compare to this loss! I He fought a good fight. He was a to his cronies. — Patrick Hill
that I have known. worked with Bill for several years as truly great person to everybody. He
— Martha Pitsenbarger commissioners on the Wheelfest. has earned his wings. He was always around and al-
There is nothing I can say that hasn’t — May Williams ways helping the city. I can remem-
Bill always had a smile for every- already been said.— Nancy Lambert ber buying candy from his store and
one.— Bertie Karll Wild Bill was Wayne. I think we checking out bikes at the bike shop.
The best dad jokes. My business should dedicate a bench or some- I also remember chatting with him
A tremendous loss to his family, neighbor, a true gentleman, vigorous thing in his honor. when I worked for the city.
his friends, his community, and his in his support for Wayne. — Sammy Willingham — Aaron Masters
church. I was honored to consider — Kim White-Jenkins
him my friend.— Daryl Royal Really touches my heart because Bill and I were doing clean up in
My first memory of “Wild Bill” when he ran Wild Bill’s Bike Shop, I Wayne, and he was my partner. As
He used to come into Brownie’s Copland is as a little girl when my was always in there buying bike we came upon the cemetery he said
Diner when I was just a kid for grandfather walked me up to his parts. don’t go in yet. He placed 3 pennies
breakfast. Always so upbeat and pos- bike shop to get me a bike tire. Years — John Davis on the step and said no worries now
itive.— Kimberly Fick later, I was blessed to get to know because this will keep evil spirits
him through St. John’s Episcopal I absolutely loved him so much! away. — Trish Hampton
A wonderful gentleman who was Church. He was always busily in- He always kept an eye out for me
an amazing ambassador for our volved with one church project or when I was working at Kirby. When I I lived on Chestnut street and
city.— Cindy Schofield the other. He was always nice, funny left late at night when it was dark. I’d went to Wild Bill’s Party Store all the
and made you laugh. say don’t worry about it, get in your time as a child. One day, a friend
He made a lot of kids’ dreams — Margaret Zimmerman car. I see you! Drive safe! Everywhere dared me to take a red penny candy.
come true with his fantastic bike I seen him he always had a smile on I was about 7. At the time, they cost
shop.— Michael Gotts I first met him while delivering his face and was always willing to 2 for a penny. I was scared and prob-
the mail, and he would always give help out. The world is definitely ably really obvious. Bill watched me
There’s not one bad thing that me a wink and a smile when I going to be missing this wonderful from behind the counter and gave
one could ever say about this man! I walked by. angel. me a look as if to say you better not
grew up through the years walking — Marie Shannon — Vivian Whisenand be thinking of taking that candy. Well,
with my mom to the party store or thanks to Bill, I never did take the
renting movies from Bill and his fam- I remember Wild Bill when we Bill lived in my street growing up. candy. I did go home and get some
ily. That last word is exactly how my moved to Elm Street in the mid- Not a day went by that he didn’t drive money. I came back and bought the
family and I felt about Bill and his fifties. I think he was a stock boy at down the street and beep, smile and candy. I’m sure he chuckled and
family; they were our family. the party store that he eventually wave. probably told my dad.
— Michelle Tackett-Braden owned and added the bike shop to. — Jennifer Roach — Liz Arthur-Meyes
He is definitely a true icon of Wayne.
I will always remember Bill from And he helped so many people over I grew up 3 doors from his party
high school as a very gentle, soft-spo- the years. He cut my mom’s lawn. store. As a young teenager, I wanted He loved everyone he encoun-
ken and happy boy. — Beverly Fuller a 10-speed bike. He allowed me to tered and truly believed in helping
— DeeAnn Ekman buy one and pay him $10 a week everyone he could, and if he could
He was such a nice man with big until it was paid for. sing a song or say or do something
A great supporter of community! energy. — Matt Rochon — Lee Miller goofy and get a laugh, it made the ex-
Bill was a “doer,” a working man who perience that much better.
never quit helping people and Bill was the most universally Wild Bill taught me how to — Alex Copland
The Wayne Dispatch · July 2019 · 5