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P. 12
Veterans Memorial project needs help
By Carolyn Marnon memorial’s history, you can donate
What is happening with the to the Wayne Veterans Memorial.
$26,000 the City of Wayne received Your name will be recorded at City
in donations last year from military Hall and become a permanent addi-
service veterans, members of UAW tion to the project. To donate, please
Local 900 and Ford? The original make a check out to City of Wayne
plan was for the money to go to- and indicate “Veterans Memorial” on
wards fixing the Peace Memorial lo- the memo line. This will ensure your
cated next to the Wayne library. After contribution gets deposited into the
some discussion, the donors decided Veterans Memorial fund.
they did not want the funds to go to Checks can be mailed to City of
the renovation of the Peace Memorial Wayne, Attn: Finance Director, 3355
because it was not a memorial that S. Wayne Rd., Wayne MI 48184. If
specifically honored veterans. you prefer, you can visit the Finance
UAW Local 845 in Canton will be Department at City Hall to make a
moving to Wayne soon to occupy donation. If you have any questions
Wild Bill Copland’s former party about the Veterans Memorial project,
store on Wayne Rd. They will be please contact Director of Commu-
bringing with them their Veterans Rendering of the Veterans Memorial project for Goudy Park. nity Development Lori Gouin at
Memorial which will be relocated to died, were declared missing in ac- pouring concrete, moving the exist- (734) 722-2002 or lgouin@city-
the south side of Wayne City Hall. tion, or taken prisoner of war. It is in- ing monuments being brought to
Plans are also in place to designate cumbent on all to honor our Wayne, placement of the monuments, “This project and partnership
some parking spots for Veterans veterans, both past and present, as flagpole placement, bench placement with the UAW Local 845 and the
Only. we would not be enjoying the free- and any other miscellaneous costs. great residents of our community
The Wayne Veterans Memorial dom we have today without their sac- The City is expecting to break will honor all of those who served
will be, according to a handout from rifice.” It is estimated that an ground on the project in Spring our great country. The City is hon-
the City, “a lasting tribute for the additional $50,000 will still need to 2020 and hope they will have the ored to play a part in bringing these
many veterans who served their be raised. Those funds would go to- money raised by then. groups together for such a great
country. Many of these brave souls ward preparing the groundwork, If you would like to be part of the cause,” said Lori.
12 · December 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch