Page 8 - The Wayne Dispatch
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VETS, Continued from page 5                                                                  ings better.”
                                                                                                          Eric  and  Yoli  have  been  volunteering  at  Vet-
          was on “stage” with her friends doing skits or as                                            eran’s Haven in Wayne since they arrived. They
          a dancer on stage.                                                                           also go to VFW 9885 “Bova” in Westland every Sat-
             While  working  as  a  bartender  in  1988  at                                            urday where Yoli does karaoke. The couple is try-
          Spoons California Grill in Buena Park, California,                                           ing  to  bring  hope  to  veterans  through  their
          Yoli met Eric, who had moved to Buena Park after                                             grassroots movement.
          being discharged from the Marines. She says Eric                                                The Von Scott’s need help funding “The War on
          and his friend were just leaving the bar when she                                            Veterans” project. They have chosen to crowdfund
          came in to start her 6pm shift.  He took one look                                            the project by setting up a Go Fund Me page. Yoli
          at her, told his friend “That’s my wife” and stayed                                          says crowdfunding eliminates the middleman (in-
          until  closing.  “It  was  February  19,  1988  at                                           vestors who want to step in and take control of
          6:01pm” says Yoli, and they’ve been together ever                                            the project) and helps maintain the integrity of the
          since. She says they are best friends and work to-  Yoli Von Scott laughs with Don 'The Godfather' Vito, a  product the Von Scott’s want to produce. She ad-
          gether at Von Scott Studios where they do videos                                             mits the project could take 5-10 years to complete,
          and short films.                               VFW 9885 Bova Blood Brother.                  depending on cashflow to move forward with each
             Eric says he has wanted to be a film director  programs to members of the Veterans of Foreign  step. In the interim, she and Eric will continue to
          ever since he was a child. His dad made home  Wars (VFW). As an advocate for people, Yoli wants  dig for stories. “I love these men and women. We
          movies and did photography. Eric was inspired to  to “tell the good, the bad and the ugly” about vet-  are going to stay here and mine these stories for
          make his own short films. Eric also does photo-  erans and how they are treated after being dis-  all it’s worth,” Yoli says. “Let your voice be heard
          realistic oil paintings.                      charged from the military. Originally conceived as  in our documentary!”
             “The War on Vets” project, long lingering on  a 90-minute documentary for Netflix or another  Eric, who quietly sits at Yoli’s side while she
          Yoli’s mind as her passion project, actually started  streaming service about U.S. veterans, the project  enthusiastically talks about this project she has
          developing when she and Eric were at a hotel that  has morphed into something far bigger. Yoli has  dreamed of for so long, sums up what they both
          happened to be hosting what they call “a Cootie  had requests from veterans in distant countries  feel about the veterans they hope to help. “We can’t
          convention.”  A convention for a 3-dimensional  who want to be interviewed and tell their own sto-  reach out and hug everybody, but this film can.”
          bug toy inspired a documentary on veterans? Not  ries. Yoli sees the documentary now turning into  If  you  would  like  to  donate  to  this  project,
          exactly. A “Cootie” at this convention is a member  a series about the suffering of veterans everywhere  please  visit
          of the Military Order of the Cootie of the United  in the world and what measures can be imple-  WarOnVets.
          States, a non-profit veteran’s service organization  mented to ease the suffering.              If you would like to contact Yoli, you can reach
          that is based on the principles of good humor and  “There’s  already  awareness,”  says  Yoli.  “We  her  by  email:  or  by
          fun. The Cooties provide social and entertainment  want greater global awareness to treat human be-  phone: (313) 720-8656.

          8 · December 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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