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Family-owned business invests in downtown Wayne
By Carolyn Marnon growth of downtown Wayne and were
“We thank God that we have 13 willing to invest in the city by build-
grandchildren and none have a dis- ing new offices here rather than con-
ability that we have to place in a tinuing to lease space.
group home,” said Paul Kennedy, Paul says his company does not
owner of Saints, Inc. You may have place individuals in homes nor are
noticed their newly built administra- they a counseling-type service. Place-
tive office on the former Frank’s Fur- ments of developmentally disabled
niture lot next to the Dairy Queen on individuals is done by Community
Wayne Rd. Saints Inc. moved into Living Services (also in Wayne),
this new building after occupying Wayne Center or Washtenaw County
space elsewhere in Wayne for nearly Community Health. Saints Inc. role
20 years. is as a contractor of staffing services
Saints Inc. “is dedicated to pro- to provide care to the individuals in
viding persons with developmental group homes. Staff members pro-
disabilities with a quality experience vide 24-hour care at the group home,
in a home setting and/or employ- helping the “customers” (as Paul
ment within the community which Husband and wife team Paul and Victoria Kennedy cut the ribbon on their new build- calls the individuals) with food
fulfills to the best of our ability the ing in downtown Wayne along with Mayor John Rhaesa, the City Council, and City preparation, transportation, laundry,
physical, social, vocational, and psy- medication, guidance on daily living
chological needs of the customer as officials, along with family and friends to help developmentally disabled adults. and any other help needed. Overall,
expressed by the customer, their a part of their community. Paul’s erator. One of his goals is to revamp Paul says he employs approximately
families and guardians, and others grandfather, who had persons with the company’s website. Someone has 165 people.
significant in their lives” reads their disabilities in his home, inspired written on the whiteboard on the As it appears on the current web-
mission statement. him to get into this line of business. conference room wall “I love Mr. and site, Saints Inc.’s customer focus
Husband and wife team Paul and Kendal Kinney, Secondary Admin- Mrs. Kennedy” and punctuated the goal sums it up. “We believe the qual-
Victoria Kennedy opened their fam- istrator at the Wayne location where words with drawings of a heart and ity of our services has a powerful im-
ily-owned business in 1978 to help 10-11 people are employed, laughs a smiley face. Kendal says the pact on the lives of the persons we
developmentally disabled adults stay and calls himself the day-to-day op- Kennedy’s want to be a part of the re- serve and the quality of their lives.”
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2019 · 9