Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Cornerstone  Church,    39390   ment  is  needed.  You  do  not  need  Zeke, Wayne’s  resident  therapy to set up
          Michigan Ave, Wayne, will be holding  proof of eligibility or identification to  dog who hangs out at the Wayne Po-  an appointment.
          the  Cornerstone  Cares  Drive-Thru  receive food.                    lice Department, would like to make
          event  on  Saturday,  July  11,  from                                 more friends during the pandemic     First Congregational Church of
          10:00 a.m. until Noon. They will be   Civitan  Park  has  received  a  via Zoom.                        Wayne,  2  Towne  Square,  has  re-
          handing out essential care items in-  makeover thanks to members of the  He  is  looking  for  children  who  turned  to  Sunday  worship  with  a
          cluding  body  wash,  bar  soap,  de-  Wayne Parks and Trails Committee,  will read to him.  If you have a child  Drive-in Service.
          odorant, paper towels, gallon Ziploc  the  Wayne  Department  of  Public  that lives in Wayne who would like to  Attendees stay in their cars, tune
          storage bags, non-perishable foods,  Works, the Wayne Fire Department  practice reading skills by reading to  into a radio station and listen to the
          laundry   detergent,   household   and  other  amazing  volunteers.   Zeke, please email Zeke’s Executive  service. The service starts at 10:30
          cleaner and dish soap.             Weeds were removed throughout the  Assistant   Tammy    Gillum   at  a.m.
                                             basketball  courts,  dead  limbs  and
             Gleaners   Community     Food   branches   were   removed    and
          Bank is holding free food distribu-  mulched, the playscape was cleaned,
          tions at Maplewood Community Cen-  and weeds, trash and other debris
          ter,  31735  Maplewood  St,  Garden  were also removed.  All the fencing
          City.  Upcoming  dates  are  July  22,  near the road is slated to be removed
          August 19 and September 16 from    and replaced with grant funding. The
          2:30-4:30 p.m. Families and individ-  fence provides an extra barrier from
          uals in need of food are encouraged  the road.
          to attend this drive-up distribution
          which  includes  30  pounds  of  gro-  Westland Wayne Relay for Life
          ceries.  Items  could  include  milk,  has been postponed. Organizers do
          fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein  not want to cancel the event and are
          and other shelf-stable items. You will  currently thinking about a fall date.
          stay in your vehicle; groceries will be  “Cancer  doesn’t  stop”  said  Meriem
          placed  in  your  trunk.  No  appoint-  Kadi.

          4 · July 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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