Page 5 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 5

Resident retires after 39 years of serving community

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                               “I have always believed in the credit union
             Thelma Dasho isn’t blue about re-
          tiring after 39 years spent at Wayne                                        philosophy of people helping people and that each
          Westland  Federal  Credit  Union.
          She’s looking forward to the blues.                                     and every member is a part owner of this credit union. We
          The blues that she’ll be gazing upon                                      constantly try to improve our service to our members.
          when she soon moves into her lake-
          front home on Zukey Lake in Pinck-                                        By the responses of our member surveys, it is working.
             As  a  junior  at  St.  Mary’s  High                                             They mention the word ‘love’ a lot.”
          School  in  Wayne  in  1967,  Thelma                                                         Thelma Dasho
          was granted an afterschool co-op po-
          sition  at  what  was  then  named                                    ciously accepted the challenging po-  every member is a part owner of this
          Wayne  Community  Federal  Credit                                     sition. During her 30-year tenure as  credit union. We constantly try to im-
          Union, located at Sims and Second                                     CEO,  Thelma  led  her  team  from  prove our service to our members.
          St. She did light office work before                                  being a $26 million credit union to  By the responses of our member sur-
          advancing to become a teller. Shortly                                 one that now has $123 million in as-  veys, it is working. They mention the
          thereafter, she took on the challeng-                                 sets.  What  led  to  this  success?  word ‘love’ a lot,” said Thelma.
          ing role of Cash Supervisor. She held                                “Number one is supporting and be-     After a combined 39 years of ded-
          that position for approximately five                                  lieving  in  my  staff,”  said  Thelma.  ication  to  the  membership  of  the
          years before she moved into the ac-                                  “Then  designing  our  new  credit  credit  union,  Thelma  stepped  into
          counting department where she con-                                    union office on Wayne Road and see-  the next stage of her life, retirement,
          tinued her managerial role.                             Thelma Dasho  ing it come to life.”             at  the  end  of  June.  After  being  a
             Like other young mothers at the  tant  manager  at  the  credit  union,  “Everyone  here  at  WWFCU  is  Wayne  homeowner  since  1972,  “I
          time, Thelma stepped away from her  whose  name  had  become  Wayne   highly dedicated to the membership.  purchased a lake home in October
          job in the early 1980s to raise her  Westland Federal Credit Union in the  We encourage member feedback and  2019 and am currently doing some
          two youngest daughters. After a few  intervening years.               continue  to  meet  their  financial  remodeling to the lake house before
          short stints at a couple of other local  Within  a  year  of  her  return,  needs…I have always believed in the  I move in. I look forward to the many
          credit  unions,  Thelma  returned  to  Thelma was offered the role of Chief  credit  union  philosophy  of  people  new  adventures  of  living  the  lake
          her banking roots by becoming assis-  Executive  Officer  (CEO).  She  gra-  helping  people  and  that  each  and  life.”

                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2020 · 5
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