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Court consolidation conversation continues

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       drug tests, attend the work program,
             There will be no fund balance in                                                                     etc. as a cost-saving measure.
          the City of Wayne budget on June 30,                                                                       Another idea mentioned was sav-
          2021. Instead, there is projected to                                                                    ing on a court administrator when
          be a $3.8 million deficit.                                                                              Mrs. Gable retired in December.
             “The City has a severe structural                                                                       Councilman  Jeremiah  Webster
          deficit,” said Brian Camiller of Plante                                                                 voiced  his  concern  that  pursuing
          Moran when he addressed the city                                                                        court  consolidation  was  using  too
          council during a special study ses-                                                                     much time and that the City should
          sion on July 13 regarding court con-                                                                    pursue  cost-saving  measures  in-
          solidation. He said the court is both                                                                   stead.  Councilman  Kevin  Dowd
          a cost-center and a source of revenue                                                                   added that council should address
          with revenue being driven by activity.                                                                  immediate things that can affect the
          Unfortunately,  activity  has  been  in                                               29th District Court.  budget and as a long-term project,
          decline while costs continue to go up.  best of Mayor Rhaesa’s knowledge,  worst-case  scenarios  in  preparing  continue  to  look  at  consolidation
             City Council came together to de-  Wayne has only looked at consolida-  the  budget.  These  included  addi-  possibilities with Romulus, Inkster
          termine whether another city taking  tion  with  Westland  for  the  last  10  tional  health  care  costs  for  a  new  and Westland.
          on the caseload of the 29th District  years.  Westland  hasn’t  been  inter-  judge,  a  court  recorder  for  a  new  Councilman Anthony Miller ques-
          Court in Wayne would be a benefit or  ested.                          judge  (Judge  Mack  was  her  own  tioned whether traffic cams could be
          an  additional  burden  on  the  City.  Plymouth-Canton was open to the  recorder,) and training a new court  put in place to generate revenue. Ac-
          The study session’s purpose was to  conversation, but Mayor Rhaesa and  administrator before Linda Gable re-  cording to Chief Strong, traffic cams
          discuss options available to increase  Mayor  Pro-Tem  Tom  Porter  didn’t  tires in December.          are  not  legally  permissible  in  the
          revenues, to decrease expenses, and  feel it was a good fit, distance-wise.  “The city cannot afford its current  State of Michigan.
          to move the court outside of Wayne.  Romulus  showed  interest  and   operations” interjected Mr. Camiller,  What is in the works now?  Judge
             There have been preliminary dis-  seemed  to  be  the  most  viable,  but  “so the court is one component that  O’Leary  will  be  providing  bullet
          cussions with other district courts  that interest stalled. There was talk  theoretically, if another community  points to Mayor Rhaesa summariz-
          where consolidation could be a net  about  Inkster,  but  concerns  about  is willing to take it on, could save the  ing the potential benefits in a merger
          positive  where  Wayne  would  get  possible legislation directing that dis-  City of Wayne money.”     with both the Westland and Romulus
          some of the court revenue and the  tricts be contiguous has left that city  City  Manager  Lisa  Nocerini  ex-  courts.  She  will  also  be  speaking
          rest would offset costs the other city  out of the discussion.        pressed her concern that a merger  with the judges of those courts to see
          would have taking on Wayne’s case-    A possible merger with Romulus  with Westland’s 18th District Court  whether they would be interested in
          load.                              would have Romulus taking over the  would not work. Wayne had to pull  allowing the Court Administrators to
             Breeda O’Leary, who was recently  costs of the Wayne court. However,  out  of  the  fire  department  merger  discuss  financial  scenarios  associ-
          appointed 29th District Court Judge  Wayne would still have costs associ-  with Westland due to financial rea-  ated  with  a  merger.  Mayor  Rhaesa
          to replace retired Judge Laura Mack,  ated with the current building, such  sons. “There is a bitter taste, and I  will be speaking with the Romulus
          admitted that from an accountant’s  as utilities and upkeep. Mr. Camiller  think we need to move on from that.”  and Westland mayors about the idea
          perspective, such as Mr. Camiller’s,  said  that  Romulus  was  only  inter-  Police Chief Ryan Strong said that  of a merger.
          the court is a revenue-generator. She  ested in a merger if the judge posi-  logistically, Inkster is “just down the  Finally, Wayne Court Administra-
          then went on to say, “The role of the  tion  was  vacant  at  the  time;  they  street” in connection with the trans-  tor Gable and Judge O’Leary will re-
          court is to administer justice. The  didn’t  want  an  additional  judge.  port of prisoners. Westland and Ro-  view  their  current  budget  for  the
          role of the court is not to generate  Since Judge O’Leary was appointed  mulus would take about 15 minutes  2020-21 fiscal year to identify any
          revenue  for  the  City.  To  the  extent  to  the  29th  District  Court,  that  to do transports.     further cost-savings/reductions; this
          that anyone thinks that is the role of  would take Romulus off the table.  O’Leary  informed  council  that  report will be provided to the council
          the court, I think it’s very important  “I understand the financial situa-  Wayne’s  probationers  are  already  before their August 3 council meet-
          to educate them that our job is not  tion  the  city  is  in,”  said  Judge  being sent to Westland to report, do  ing.
          to generate money. Now, we happen  O’Leary. “In light of that, to that end,
          to generate revenue by virtue of ad-  we’re  willing  to  work  in  reducing
          ministering justice, but I want to be  costs to the extent we haven’t done al-
          very careful to control the conversa-  ready where it’s feasible to do so and
          tion so as not to give the impression  exploring consolidations and merg-
          that our job at the court is to gener-  ers.”  She  acknowledged  that  the
          ate revenue for the City.”         court’s caseload over the last three
             Mayor John Rhaesa conceded by   years has flattened out; it has not de-
          saying, “I guess, maybe a better way  clined. She was ready to present to
          to say this-we’re having a problem  council members a list of things the
          that  we  can’t  afford  the  court  cur-  court has already done to cut costs.
          rently based on where our numbers     Judge O’Leary also addressed the
          are.”                              rising  costs  in  the  current  2020-
             In  February,  the  city  council  2021 court budget saying they were
          passed  a  resolution  to  find  out  anomalies.  Court  Administrator
          whether other local cities were inter-  Linda  Gable  and  former  Judge
          ested in a court consolidation. To the  Laura  Mack  had  to  account  for

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