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P. 8
Wards to be on fall ballot
By Carolyn Marnon would be elected.
Two issues will be competing for The other ballot initiative would
your attention on the November 3 retain the ward districts, but there
election ballot, both concerning the would be a change. Candidates
method by which city council mem- would be up for election in their re-
bers are elected. spective ward of residence. The
In the November 2014 election, councilperson in that ward would be
voters in Wayne chose to move to a voted on by only the resident voters
ward model of electing city council in that particular ward. For example,
members. Six wards were estab- you could only vote for a candidate
lished in the City of Wayne. The running for the Ward 3 position if
council would have representation you lived in Ward 3. You would not
from each of the wards. There was be able to vote for the candidate that
no implementation plan on who would represent Wards 1, 2, 4, 5, or
could vote for these representatives. 6.
As it turned out, all voters were al- You will be able to vote on both of
lowed to vote for a councilperson these initiatives on the November
from each ward. It was not restricted 2020 ballot. What happens next de-
to a voter only voting for a member pends on the election results. There
from his/her own ward. are three different outcomes.
The first ballot initiative would If both initiatives pass, the one
propose a charter amendment to with the highest number of affirma-
provide for at-large city council elec- tive votes would prevail.
tions. This was the method for seat- If both initiatives fail, the City
ing city council prior to November would remain with the current ward
2014. This would eliminate the cur- system.
rent ward system. A council candi- If one initiative fails and the other
date could live anywhere in the City passes, the one that passes prevails.
of Wayne. Voters could vote for up to Whatever the outcome, the elec-
three of all the candidates in the run- tion procedure would begin with the
ning. The top three vote-getters 2024 election cycle.
8 · August 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch