Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 6
HYPE to buy Wayne
community center
By Carolyn Marnon
For many years, the Community
Center was the hub of activity for
Wayne residents, no matter the sea-
son. Ice skating, swimming, exercis-
ing, walking indoor laps, dancing,
and more.
The City turned over manage-
ment of the building to HYPE Athlet-
ics in 2015. As a cost-cutting
measure, the city had to close the
community center. Rather than have
a building stand vacant for years and their doors, funding will take place.
deteriorate, that agreement allowed The $800,000 purchase price
HYPE to run their athletic programs will pay off the bond the City has on
in the community while also main- the property. According to City Man-
taining the building. The City paid ager Lisa Nocerini, the City would
HYPE $12,000 per month to manage only have $45,000 in interest left to
it. pay. The parks millage would cover
After managing the building for the interest. The City would then be
the last five years, HYPE is now in free and clear of the bond on the
the process of purchasing the build- building. The City would no longer
ing. The City Council approved the be paying a monthly management fee
sale with an $800,000 purchase to HYPE. The City would no longer
price. While owner Ali Sayed is nego- have to pay for insurance to cover
tiating financing for the purchase, the building. Having the building off
HYPE will be paying the City $3,000 the City’s books positively impacts
per month if the facility is closed due the City’s budget.
to the governor’s executive orders “We’re excited and pleased to con-
during COVID-19. If HYPE can open, tinue serving the great community of
the rental amount increases to Wayne,” says HYPE owner Ali Sayed.
$5,000 per month. “We’re thrilled to have greater oppor-
The City is giving Mr. Sayed six tunities to serve the needs of the
months to arrange for financing. The community without oversight of the
difficulty in obtaining financing is the City. There’s a lot of restrictions
inability to bring in revenue while the (with the city). We’re looking to re-
athletic center is closed. Ali says he open all off our services plus add ad-
has four banks that he is working ditional services. I’m very thankful
with for the funding quotes, and they the city council and mayor sup-
all want to fund this community proj- ported the extension of our lease and
ect. Once the governor lifts the Exec- the acquisition.” He concludes, “I’m
utive Order closing gyms and athletic thankful for the five-year partner-
centers and HYPE is able to reopen ship with the City of Wayne.”
6 · August 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch