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There  are  eleven  candidates     Wayne  Business  and  Profes-   made  payable  to  Wayne  Westland   Gleaners   Community     Food
          running  for  three  open  spots  on  sional Women and Wayne Histori-  Community Schools.               Bank is holding free food distribu-
          the  Wayne  Westland  Community    cal   Society   present   Historic   To  coordinate  drop-off  of  sup-  tions at Maplewood Community Cen-
          Schools Board of Trustees. Voting  Women’s  Suffrage  Rally  in  celebra-  plies, please contact the respective  ter,  31735  Maplewood  St,  Garden
          will take place during the November  tion of 100 years of women earning  coordinators.                  City. Upcoming dates are August 19
          3 election. Please take time before  the right to vote. The event will be  For  PPE,  Maria  Mitter  can  be  and September 16 from 2:30-4:30
          then to be an informed voter. Get to  held Thursday, August 13, at 7:00  reached at (734) 419-2036.     p.m.  Families  and  individuals  in
          know the candidates by visiting their  p.m.  on  the  Wayne  Historical  Mu-  For  school  supplies,  Amanda  need of food are encouraged to at-
          Facebook  pages  (if  they  have  one),  seum’s lawn, 1 Towne Square. Spe-  Dybus can be reached at (734) 419-  tend this drive-up distribution which
          reading  any  election  material  you  cial guest appearances will be made  2036 or by email dybusa@wwcsd.-  includes 30 pounds of groceries.
          may receive, and if you have ques-  by  Alice  Paul  (author  of  the  ERA  net.
          tions,  contacting  them  to  get  an-  1923), Clara Arthur (President of the  All supplies are needed by August  Commissioners  of  the  Wayne
          swers.                             Michigan  Equal  Suffrage  Associa-  18 and should be dropped off at the  Planning  Commission held  a  sec-
             Below is a list of who is running  tion)  and  The  Women’s  Suffrage  Board  of  Education,  36745  Mar-  ond public hearing on July 30 before
          for office. Melandie Hines is running  Dancers. A free ice cream social will  quette, Westland.         making a recommendation to City
          for  re-election.  Carol  Middel  and  follow.                                                          Council about a rezoning request
          Shawna Walker are not running for                                       Ford  Motor  Company unveiled   in downtown Wayne. The owner of
          re-election.                          The  Wayne  Historical  Society  the new 2021 Bronco two-door and  the  property  located  at  35540  W.
             John Albrecht                   has announced programs coming up   four-door models on July 13 at the  Michigan Ave requests a change from
             Daniel Beier                    later this year. Add these to your cal-  Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne.  B-5  Business  Concentrated  to  B-5
             Eric Cleereman                  endar now and watch this column    Employees there were able to see up-  Business  Concentrated  (C).  This
             Sheree Conn                     for further information.           close the vehicles they will start mak-  would allow for overnight stays as
             Timothy Gilbert                    Sept. 10, 7:00 p.m. NorWayne-A  ing  in  Wayne  after  the  plant  is  part  of  an  in-patient  detoxification
             Melandie Hines                  Planned Community                  retooled. Ford is now taking reserva-  center  for  substance  abuse.  This
             Angela Jackson-Irvine              Oct.  4,  1:00-3:00  p.m.  Annual  tions  for  the  new  models  at  issue  will  appear  before  the  city
             David James                     Cemetery Walk             for $100.            council at their August 18 meeting.
             Susan Lachhman                     Oct. 8, 7:00 p.m. The History of
             Kimberly May                    Eloise
             Gayle Nicholson                    Oct. 17, 4:00 p.m. Witches Brew
             Wayne was named 94.7 WCSX          Oct. 24, 8:00-11:34 p.m. Ghost
          Detroit’s Classic Rock City of the  Hunt at the Museum
          Week  for  July  22.  DJ  Donielle    Nov.  12,  7:00  p.m.  Black-
          (Doni)  Flynn  held  ribbon  cuttings  smithing: The Bert Green Story
          throughout  Downtown  Wayne  with     Dec.  5,  6:00-9:00  p.m.  Holiday
          city officials. Locations included the  Night at the Museum
          corner  of  Wayne  Rd  and  Michigan
          Ave. by the Downtown Wayne sign,      Wayne  Westland  Community
          Goudy Park, Michigan’s Finest, Law  School District is asking for your
          Auto,  Leo’s  Jewelers  and  Derby’s  help. They would like donations of
          Alley.  Doni  also  checked  out  the  Personal   Protective   Equipment
          Michigan  Assembly  Plant  and  the  (PPE) and school supplies for the up-
          Wayne  Historical  Museum  with    coming school year.
          Mayor John Rhaesa.                    PPE they are asking for includes
                                             non-surgical  face  masks  (cloth  or
             The  Knights  of  Columbus      disposable), face shields, and nitrile
          #3021  Notre  Dame  Council  in    disposable gloves (not latex).
          Wayne are collecting items to help    School  supplies  requested  in-
          several  organizations  serving  the  clude crayons, markers, colored pen-
          Wayne community. A Food Drive ben-  cils,  pencil  cases/boxes,  pencils,
          efitting St. Mary’s Outreach Center is  erasers, pencil sharpeners (mechan-
          underway. Donations of non-perish-  ical),  pens  (blue,  black  and  red),
          able food items are being accepted.  highlighters, glue sticks, rulers, scis-
          The Knights are also looking for do-  sors,  1  and  3-subject  notebooks,
          nations  of  gently  used  children’s  folders, 1-inch binders, calculators,
          books, sidewalk chalk and bubbles  larger  backpacks,  plastic  ziplock
          for Ss. Simon & Jude’s Red Wagon   bags (gallon and quart) and tissues
          Project.    All  donations  can  be  (small packages).
          dropped off at the Notre Dame Hall,   They are also accepting monetary
          3144  S.  Wayne  Rd  on  Wednesday,  donations which will be used to pur-
          Thursday,  or  Friday  nights.  Doors  chase the items at bulk rate through
          open at 6:00 p.m.                  school  vendors.  Checks  should  be
          4 · August 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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