Page 22 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 22

Former recalled City of Wayne Councilman and

          accomplice charged with false report of a felony

             Wayne  County  Prosecutor  Kym                                                                       been charged with False Report of a
          Worthy  has  charged  Christopher                                                                       Felony, Conspiracy to Commit False
          James  Sanders,  51,  of  the  City  of                                                                 Report  of  a  Felony  and  Attempted
          Wayne,  Michigan  and  Jimmie  Lee                                                                      False Report of a Felony. Last week,
          Chandler,  28,  of  Van  Buren  Town-                                                                   Defendant Sanders was arrested and
          ship, in connection with the alleged                                                                    arraigned. His Probable Cause Con-
          planting of a starter pistol and fake                                                                   ference was held October 2, 2020 in
          drugs in a city employee's car.                                                                         35th District Court in Plymouth. He
             It is alleged that on October 16,                                                                    received a $10,000 personal bond.
          2017, at the behest of now former                                                                          Last week, in a separate hearing,
          Wayne  City  Councilman  Defendant                                                                      Defendant  Chandler  was  arrested
          Christopher  James  Sanders,  and                                                                       and arraigned. He received a $1,000
          after being paid to do so, Defendant                                                                    personal bond. His Probable Cause
          Jimmie Lee Chandler broke into the                                                                      Conference was held on October 2,
          vehicle  belonging  to  a  female  em-                                                                  2020.
          ployee of the City of Wayne and unbe-                                                                      Note: 29th District Court in the
          knownst  to  her,  planted  a  starter                                                                  City of Wayne has been recused from
          pistol and fake drugs in the her car.                                                                   this case. The exam will take place
          It is further alleged that after watch-      Former recalled City of Wayne Councilman Christopher James Sanders  in Plymouth in front of 35th District
          ing the woman leave her office park-                                                                    Court Judge Jim  Plakas on October
          ing lot, Defendant Chandler placed a  the pistol and suspected narcotics in  rest  of  the  defendants.  More  com-  16, 2020.
          911 call to police to report a false  her glovebox, she reported the find-  plete  facts  will  be  placed  on  the
          road rage incident and identified her  ing to the City of Wayne Police De-  record in court during the Prelimi-  *The charges are allegations and
          vehicle. She was never stopped by  partment.  Investigation  by  the  nary Examination.                 defendants are presumed innocent
          the police and, when she discovered  Michigan State Police led to the ar-  Sanders and Chandler have each  until and unless proven guilty.

          22 · October 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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