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Mack, Jr. appointed to national mental health task force
State Court Administrator Emer- “Milt’s incredible experience treatment.
itus, Milton Mack, Jr., has been ap- • Development of best practices,
pointed to serve on a national task and knowledge on this research, and data.
force to assist state courts in more • Education and training for
effectively responding to the needs of challenging issue will judges and court personnel.
court-involved individuals with seri- help courts become the • Building on the important work
ous mental illness. The 40-member already done to address the opioid
group includes four state supreme catalyst for diverting epidemic.
court chief justices, four state court A probate court judge for two
administrators, and a wide range of individuals to treatment decades, Mack is the former State
experts from across the nation. Court Administrator, chair of the
“Given that our justice system is instead of jail or prison.” State Court Administrator Emeritus, Governor’s Mental Health Diversion
all too often the default mental Chief Justice Milton Mack, Jr. Council, and has long been an advo-
health system, the work of this task mental health disorder. cate for mental health reform, pro-
force is timely, essential, and lifesav- Bridget M. McCormack • People with mental illness are moting early intervention and
ing,” said Chief Justice Bridget M. 16 times more likely to be killed treatment instead of incarceration.
McCormack. “Milt’s incredible expe- response to mental illness and co-oc- than other civilians when ap- Mack will be joined on the task force
rience and knowledge on this chal- curring disorders, and this new task proached or stopped by law enforce- by Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry
lenging issue will help courts force is a direct result of that work. ment. Clayton and Kent Batty, who previ-
become the catalyst for diverting in- Key challenges faced by the task In the report of the advisory com- ously served as the court administra-
dividuals to treatment instead of jail force include: mittee, “The Future is Now: Decrimi- tor for the Washtenaw County trial
or prison.” • Jails are the largest providers nalization of Mental Illness.” Their courts and Third Judicial Circuit
Since spring of last year, Mack of mental health services in the na- reform plan is based on these key Court. Michigan has more members
has co-chaired (with Indiana tion and 44 percent of jail inmates principles: than any other state.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul have been told they have a mental • A community-by-community Mack is a resident of Wayne and
Rieber) a national advisory commit- health disorder. approach with statewide leadership. husband of former 29th District
tee funded by the State Justice Insti- • An estimated 70 percent of jus- • Use of the Sequential Intercept Court Judge Laura Mack who re-
tute to improve the justice system tice-involved youths suffer from a Model to promote early access to tired earlier this year.
The Wayne Dispatch · October 2020 · 21