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Fire safety; be ready for the unexpected

          By Carolyn Marnon                  ways  unplug  charging  cords  when  All staff members of the fire de-  a new mailbox that can be used by
             Fire Prevention Week is October  not in use."                      partment have fully recovered from  kids to submit coloring pages avail-
          4 through October 10, 2020. The Na-   Five tips for preventing a residen-  COVID-19 (over half the staff were  able on the departments Facebook
          tional  Fire  Protection  Association  tial fire:                     quarantined early in the pandemic).  page. The coloring page is a way to
          theme  this  year  is  “Serve  up  Fire  •   Install   smoke   detectors  After 23 years, the Wayne Fire De-  get kids to think of the Fire Depart-
          Safety in the Kitchen.”            throughout the home.               partment  will  not  be  holding  their  ment and fire prevention. Kids can
             Wayne Deputy                       • Install fire extinguishers.   Annual  Pancake  Breakfast.  The  color the page and put it in the mail-
          Fire   Chief/Fire                     • Teach children about the dan-  breakfast has been a way to bring the  box. The department will hang the
          Marshall Jeremie                   gers of fire.                      community to the fire station for fel-  pages  up  for  firefighters  and  Face-
          Schneider    re-                      • Create a plan for escape in case  lowship  and  fire  prevention  mes-  book friends to see.
          minds  the  com-                   of fire.                           sages.  In  22  years,  the  breakfast  The  Wayne  Fire  Department  is
          munity      that                      • Have a family communications  price has never been raised. Because  also currently accepting applications
          “overloading elec-                 plan set.                          of the pandemic, the department is  for Fire Fighters. Applicants must be
          trical circuits, ig-                  There  are  several  common     trying to get their message of safety  US  citizens,  have  a  high  school
          noring    frayed                   causes of fire in the home: clothes  out in socially safe ways. The Wayne  diploma or GED, and possess a cur-
          cords  and  run-                   dryers, flammable liquids, smoking,  Public  Library  is  holding  a  virtual  rent, valid Michigan driver’s license
          ning extension cords as a permanent  children  and  pets,  electrical  appli-  fire  safety  message  and  will  have  and an excellent driving record with
          source  of  power  are  common  haz-  ances, portable space heaters, fire-  packages  provided  by  the  Fire  De-  no more than three points on cur-
          ards.  Extension cords should only  places and cooking.               partment that can be picked up for  rent driving record. Applications and
          be used temporarily and never used    In  other  Wayne  Fire  Depart-  the kids.                        more information is available on the
          for kitchen appliances.  Be sure to al-  ment news:                     The Wayne Fire Department has   City of Wayne website.

          20 · October 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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