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P. 3
Air Force veteran speaks at memorial flag raising
By Carolyn Marnon
A large crowd gathered around
Wayne’s new Veteran’s Memorial
Wednesday, September 30, for the of-
ficial flag raising ceremony. The ma-
jority of attendees wore masks.
Chairs were socially distanced. Many
stood encircling the space.
Over $100,000 was raised over
the last four years to bring this
dream to honor our military veter-
ans to life. The memorial is accessi-
ble year-round. Three benches look
towards the memorial to provide
space for contemplation. Several
parking spaces face the memorial for
those veterans who are unable or do
not wish to get out of their vehicle.
It’s a place where veterans can pon- Retired Air Force Colonel Charles L. Cone, the guest speaker, talks to Mayor Rhaesa about his dad John A. Rhaesa being a
der thoughts they can never share
with anyone else. veteran. Photos by Doug Bargerstock
As the Pledge of Allegiance was re- his throat and a tear in his eye when-
cited on a cool autumn day, occa- ever he hears The Star-Spangled
sional raindrops fell from the sky, Banner and Taps. Taps means a vet
like teardrops for all who gave their has gone to glory, he said. He told the
lives during their military service. crowd that we cannot accept the
Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa spoke burning and disrespect of our flag.
about the courage, pride, determina- Men and women of the armed serv-
tion, selflessness, dedication and in- ices are there to protect you, he said.
tegrity of those who have served this Service members and vets have
country. taken on special responsibilities to
Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Porter, who maintain our way of life.
is a veteran himself, was unable to Col. Cone remembered eleven of
be at the ceremony as he is fighting his crew members who were killed
his own battle, a private one, with in a plane crash as they were prepar-
cancer. He did send a message that ing to go on leave. One of those killed
was read saying in part “It’s a place was his roommate. He had experi-
to say thank you to all who served.” ences where he had to inform a wife
Pastor Seth McDonald of Hill of the death of her husband, and
Crest Bible Church praised the me- then had to visit the man’s parents to
morial as a place where future gener- inform them. He knew a World War
ations will know of the sacrifices Retired soldier U.S. Army Sergeant E8 Paul and Ginger Cook of Wayne listen to Re- II paratrooper who had a newborn
made before them. tired Air Force Colonel Charles L. Cone at the Memorial Dedication. son. He had made jumps in Africa,
Retired Air Force Colonel Charles Italy, Normandy and then was killed
L. Cone, the guest speaker, ap- in Belgium. He never “met” his son.
proached the podium to share his In an ironic twist, as soon as Col.
thoughts. “Most of us can hardly Cone was done speaking, the clouds
move around!” he chuckled to the opened up and rain started coming
crowd. Col. Cone wanted to be a down over the gathered crowd.
naval aviator when he was growing Wayne Police Officer and veteran
up; his passion was flying. He raised Jordan Arndt, Wayne Police Officer
and sold beans to earn the money and veteran Joshua Priebe, and
needed for flying lessons. He grew up Wayne Fire Department and veteran
and became a Naval Aviator. He later Captain Dave Wylie raised the flags,
transferred his commission to the the American flag and the POW/MIA
Air Force in time to serve in the Ko- flag, over the Veterans Memorial to
rean War. He completed his military close the ceremony.
tour in Vietnam and retired in 1973. The Wayne Memorial High School
He became an active flight instructor. Zebra Marching Band played an
In speaking of his service, he American medley of songs as the
choked up and paused for a moment skies opened up and a downpour
as he shared how he gets a lump in Wayne Memorial High School JROTC before presenting of the Colors. began.
The Wayne Dispatch · October 2020 · 3