Page 7 - The Wayne Dispatch
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The Wayne Historical Society the company continues today. This cover of the current Car and Driver The City also received
has announced a number of pro- event will be inside. Masks are re- magazine. The Bronco will be built $37,000.00 through the First Re-
grams coming up later this year. quired. Chairs will be socially dis- at the Wayne Assembly Plant soon. sponder Hazard Pay Premiums
Add these to your calendar now and tanced. The museum will try to Program through the Michigan De-
watch this column for further infor- record the event for those who wish Mill Trail will be getting an up- partment of Treasury which was
mation. Masks are required at the to stay at home. grade thanks to a $79,677.13 provided to communities that cur-
events. Hand sanitizer will be avail- grant from the Wayne County rently do not have Hazard Pay in
able. The museum is sanitizing door- Dec. 5, 6:00-9:00 p.m. CBDG (Community Development the current union contracts for Po-
knobs and surfaces. Holiday Night at the Museum Block Grant) Program. The grant lice and Fire only. This grant covers
Come out and see Santa, get will cover the costs to replace 27 ex- 37employees in both Police and Fire.
Oct. 8, 7:00 p.m. cookies and hot chocolate, and join isting trail lights with 27 60W-LED The maximum the City could re-
The History of Eloise in the Christmas cheer as the town energy efficient lights; 4 eight-foot quest is $1000.00 dollars per em-
Tyler Moll will present the history Christmas tree is lit. All activities heavy duty metal park benches and ployee which Wayne requested.
of this infamous hospital, poorhouse will be held outside. There will not three 32-gallon metal trash recepta-
and asylum at 7:00 p.m. This will be be events inside the Wayne Historical cles to be placed along Mill Trail. The Atwood Park playground is
a pre-recorded video that will be on Museum nor at First United Mill Trail is an approximately temporarily closed. A new play
Facebook and You Tube. You can find Methodist Church. one-mile walking and biking trail structure will replace the current
the links through the Wayne Public that runs along the Rouge River. Cur- structure. Due to safety concerns
Library website. Notre Dame Hall. 3144 S. rently, the lighting along the trail is and the need to prep the area for the
Wayne Rd, Wayne, will be hosting either not operational or has been new playground, the existing play
Oct. 17, 4:00 p.m. DJ Justin Dance Parties. $5 cover damaged. Some of the benches are structure is closed. Construction of
Witches Brew Tea includes a snack buffet. Doors open worn out and need to be replaced. the new playground will begin soon.
A haunted tea party inside the at 8:00 p.m. with tickets available at Litter has been a problem that will
Wayne Historical Museum will fea- the door. You can make online reser- hopefully be addressed with the ad-
ture several Wayne characters in a vations if you wish at dition of trash receptacles that can
spooky setting. Event is at 4:00 p.m. be anchored to the ground with lids
Tickets are selling fast, so act now! The next themed night is Disco (Oc- attached by a cable. This will likely
Tickets are $35 and can be pur- tober 24). This series of Saturday prevent the occasion of finding trash
chased through the Museum. night dance parties will have you receptables and lids thrown into the Wayne’s oldest resident, 110-
dancing all night long. river. year old Winifred Nichols, died
Oct. 24, 8:00-11:34 p.m. No date has been confirmed for September 28 in Wayne. She is sur-
Ghost Hunt at the Museum Wayne County will be providing when the project will begin. vived by her son, Emery Nichols, Jr.
Join the Great Lakes Ghost free drive-thru covid-19 testing in and daughter, Patricia (Fredrick)
Hunters as they hunt for paranormal the City of Wayne November 21 Wayne City Manager Lisa No- Garber, six grandchildren and six
activity in the 140-year-old Wayne and 22 from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. cerini announced that the City of great-grandchildren. She is preceded
Historical Museum. A one-hour spot The location has not yet been deter- Wayne received $489,380 through in death by her husband, Emery
is $25. There is a limit of ten people mined. Mark your calendar now if the Michigan Department of Treas- Nichols, Sr., father Joseph Eberts,
per hour. Masks are required; hand you wish to get tested. No preregis- ury Public Safety and Public mother Mable Eberts and daughter
sanitizer will be available. tration is needed. Insurance is not Health Payroll Reimbursement Joyce Chiodini. Visitation and
needed. A doctor’s order is not re- Program (PSPHPR). The funding Rosary were held October 4 at Uht
Nov. 12, 7:00 p.m. quired. Testing is for ages 5 and up; will be used to offset costs for full- Funeral Home followed by Visitation
Blacksmithing: The Bert Green Story minors must be accompanied by time Police and Fire personnel in the and Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic
Learn about Bert Green and what guardian. way of salary, overtime, healthcare Church on October 5. She was laid
life was like as one of Wayne’s last and fringes during the peak of to rest at Holy Sepulchre in South-
blacksmiths. You will also learn how The Ford Bronco made the COVID-19. field.
The Wayne Dispatch · October 2020 · 7