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Former resident has a horror-fying experience

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                          Maggie spent 3 years studying for
             After a stressful move from New                                                                      a business degree at Western Michi-
          York  City  into  their  new  country                                                                   gan University before taking a daring
          home,  Lauren  and  Jerry  unwind                                                                       leap  and  moving  to  San  Francisco
          with their closest friend Megan in the                                                                  where  she  got  a  degree  from  San
          dimly lit cottage. The calm only lasts                                                                  Francisco  State  in  Screen  Writing.
          so long. Megan discovers an ashen                                                                       “This is what I want to do with my
          little boy in the yard, shivering and                                                                   life,” she said at the time.
          alone…or so they think. The three                                                                          “20/20 hindsight,” she laughs at
          friends  act  quickly  to  protect  this                                                                the reference, “Let’s just say looking
          boy from a frightening man and his                                                                      back, now that I am older and wiser,
          gang of drifters who seem intent on                                                                     I probably should have finished that
          getting this child.                                                                                     degree  before  going  to  study  film.
             The  cops  won’t  come,  and  the                                                                    But  I  do  own  a  company  now,  so
          men don’t scare easily. It becomes ut-                                                                  something worked out.”
          terly clear that in the country you are  Mikey Dominguez-Beddome, Michel Dominguez-Beddome, and Maggie Colligan joined  She was hired by TV Boy as an of-
          on your own.                                                                                            fice manager and field coordinator 8
             The  only  thing  that  separates  forces to bring Maggie's dream project to life.                   years  ago.  Last  year,  she  was  pro-
          them from horror is a dirty pane of  time as a teacher there. One of my  Bobby  Flay?”  If  you’ve  seen  some-  moted  to  Chief  Operating  Officer.
          glass or a creaking wooden door. But  sister’s  (Katie  Colligan  Krimmel)  thing  that  had  to  do  with  hidden  “It’s a really fun time to take over a
          how long can you keep the wolves   worked  in  special  education  for  cameras, her company has probably  business.” She says that in New York,
          out when their prey lies within?   Wayne-Westland  schools;  my  other  had  something  to  do  with  it,  she  they call Detroit the 6th borough be-
             The friends’ resilient city mental-  sister  (Amy  Colligan  Hamilton)  says.  They also recently did remote  cause sometimes it’s easier to hop on
          ities cannot stave off what lingers in  works  in  communications  for  the  production  for  Rachael  Ray’s  30  a plane and fly to Detroit than it is to
          the darkness, will not stop the evil at  city of Canton. They both are amaz-  Minute Meals whereby they put ro-  take the subway to the Bronx.
          their door. How could they possibly  ing. Many of my friends and family  botic cameras in her house and had  “What’s  in  the  Woods?”  evolved
          be prepared for what’s in the woods?  still  work  as  educators  in  Wayne-  camera operators working out of a  after a very vivid dream Maggie had
          (from  www.whatsinthewoodsmovie-   Westland  schools  and  are  a  huge  trailer in Rachael’s driveway. “We do
          .com)                              part  of  the  community.  What  I  do  all the quirky technical stuff.”            See Horror, page 9
             The daughter of retired Wayne Po-  pales in comparison to them.”
          lice Chief John Colligan and retired  What  does  she  do?  Maggie  is  a
          Schweitzer   Elementary   school   screenwriter,  living  her  dream  in
          teacher  Pat  Colligan  dares  you  to  New York City. She currently lives in
          find out.                          Astoria and commutes to her job in
             Maggie Colligan grew up in Wayne  a huge warehouse in Queens where
          and says she’s a big fan of the City.  she  has  a  large  office  space  and
          Her father, who died 6 years ago and  plenty of room to social distance. (A
          was a former Wayne police chief, was  lot  of  the  hit  CBS  TV-show  Blue
          born  and  raised  in  Wayne  “and  Bloods  that  stars  Wayne  Memorial
          worked his way up. By far my biggest  graduate Gregory Jbara films across
          idol in life.  My grandma worked as  the street). She runs TV Boy, a com-
          a  secretary  at  St.  Mary’s  of  Wayne  pany that specializes in hidden cam-
          back in the day. My grandpa was a  era tv and reality competition shows.
          postal  worker.  My  mom  was  a   Have  you  heard  of  ABC’s  “What
          teacher  at  Schweitzer  Elementary  Would  You  Do?”,  Food  Network’s
          school and won many awards for her  “Worst Cooks in America” or “Beat

          6 · October 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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