Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
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The Wayne Historical Society Methodist Church. Kids of all ages are welcome to hors d’oeuvres, champagne, raffles,
has announced a number of pro- come make Christmas gifts in door prizes, 50/50, cash bar and a
grams coming up later this year. Wayne County will be providing Santa’s Workshop for mom, dad, best-dressed 1920s contest. Dinner
Add these to your calendar now and free drive-thru COVID-19 testing sisters and brothers. Small Busi- will be served at 7:00 p.m. Tickets
watch this column for further infor- in the City of Wayne November 21 ness Saturday events will also be are $45 per person. Hors d’oeuvres
mation. Masks are required at the and 22 from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. happening in Downtown Wayne. will be waiting for you at your table.
events. Hand sanitizer will be avail- The location has not yet been deter- It’s a Wonderful Life-Saturday, Euchre Night-select Thursday
able. The museum is sanitizing door- mined. Mark your calendar now if December 5, with doors opening at nights -Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Ar-
knobs and surfaces. you wish to get tested. No preregis- 5:30 p.m. Garden Theatre Produc- rive early for dinner and drinks.
Nov. 12, 7:00 p.m. Black- tration is needed. Insurance is not tions presents “It’s A Wonderful Life,” Drop in players are welcome. Come
smithing: The Bert Green Story needed. A doctor’s order is not re- one of the most beloved stories. Tick- to one or come to all. Dates are No-
Learn about Bert Green and what quired. Testing is for ages 5 and up; ets are $25 and includes dinner and vember 12, December 10, January 7
life was like as one of Wayne’s last minors must be accompanied by the show. and January 21.
blacksmiths. You will also learn how guardian. DJ Justin-Friday, December 18,
the company continues today. This doors open at 6:00 p.m. There will The Atwood Park playground is
event will be inside. Masks are re- The Knights of Columbus at be Christmas karaoke and a Christ- temporarily closed. A new play
quired. Chairs will be socially dis- Notre Dame Hall, 3144 N. Wayne mas Trivia Contest. There will be structure will replace the current
tanced. The museum will try to Rd., is hosting several events for door prizes and an Ugly Christmas structure. Due to safety concerns
record the event for those who wish the holiday season. Sweater Contest. All are welcome! and the need to prep the area for the
to stay at home. Holiday Market-Saturday, No- Christmas Celebration-Satur- new playground, the existing play
Dec. 5, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Holiday vember 14, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. day, December 19, doors open at structure is closed. Construction of
Night at the Museum There will be crafts and baked goods 6:00 p.m. This Christmas Celebra- the new playground will begin soon.
Come out and see Santa, get in addition to artists selling their cre- tion includes buffet dinner, one free Signs will be posted at the location
cookies and hot chocolate, and join ations. It’s the perfect place to find drink, cash bar and door prizes. about the closure and plans for the
in the Christmas cheer as the town that perfect gift. The hall will also Tickets are $20. new playground. The demolition and
Christmas tree is lit. All activities have food, pop, and adult beverages New Year’s Eve Party-Thursday, new playground are being paid for
will be held outside. There will not available for purchase. December 31, doors open at 6:00 through a grant from Wayne County.
be events inside the Wayne Historical Santa’s Workshop-Saturday, No- p.m. The party features the sounds
Museum nor at First United vember 28, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. of Dawn-Marie Mio, dancing, dinner, See Briefs, page 12
6 · November 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch