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New superintendent faces challenges
in the COVID-19 era of education
By Carolyn Marnon technology and special education fo-
Wayne-Westland Community Sc- rums held online were well-attended.
hools got a new superintendent in The district also has a Return to
July, taking over from Jill Simmons Learn area on the website that an-
who had been Acting Superintendent swers questions parents might have.
after the resignation of former super- He’s also pleased how everyone has
intendent Dr. Shelley Holt. come together to do what is best for
Dr. John Dignan grew up in Ypsi- the staff.
lanti. His father had friends who The first challenge that Dr. Dig-
taught in the Wayne-Westland dis- nan has had in his new position is
trict, so Dr. Dignan knew that the getting to know the community. “I
people here were hardworking, blue- like to meet with groups of people,”
collar people. This is what drew him he says. He’s not able to do that at
to apply for the superintendent posi- this time. When he interviewed for
tion more than anything else. There the job, he mentioned getting out
is so much potential in the school into the community to meet parents,
district he says. The challenge will be business owners and other stake-
getting everyone working in the same holders in the community by attend-
direction. ing various events. Many of those
Since starting, Dr. Dignan’s days events have not taken place due to
have been fast-paced. Much of what social distancing mandates.
he has done has been dictated by The second major challenge for
COVID-19 and the transfer of educa- Dr. Dignan has been the sped-up
tion from in-person classrooms to learning curve for virtual education.
virtual learning. “It’s been a whirl- He has had to learn much more
wind, to say the least.” He speaks more quickly than he would have
highly of the people who have helped with a “normal” school year start.
with the transition saying “they wear As each day passes, he learns
their heart on their sleeve.” He’s that you have to depend on other
been working with the various de- people and trust them as profession-
partments, collaborating with others, als to do their job and to know that
and relying on district employees to it’s okay if there are failures. “People
help get through the adversity are scared to fail,” he says, “but
thrown their way. He has found that that’s how we learn.” It’s okay to
everyone has rolled up their sleeves make mistakes. Just own your mis-
and come closer together because of take and move on.
this. As the first term came to an end
These educational times are on October 24, Dr. Dignan was ana-
unique. When the schools closed lyzing the COVID-19 situation and
March 13, everyone thought it would how it would be affecting the health
last a couple weeks, maybe through and safety of students and staff.
Easter. The district was forced to go “When we return in person, it will
virtual at the time, something no one have strengthened the whole
was prepared for. Dr. Dignan calls it Wayne-Westland Superintendent Dr. John Dignan helps out during the district distri- process.”
“emergency learning.” He goes on to bution of Chromebooks to students. He would like for students to
say, “You can’t compare anything to learn in-person as soon as possible,
it.” He does foresee virtual education Teachers are working off the ers amaze him. He says they find the but with the pandemic, the safety
more mainstream five years or so Google platform. He credits Assis- best ways to serve the needs of their and well-being of staff and children
down the line. COVID-19 has just tant Superintendent of Curriculum students. is the number one priority.
sped everything up. Instruction and Assessment Jennifer In the opening days of school, Dr. Be patient and flexible, Dr. Dig-
Virtual learning is intentional Curry and her assistants with run- Dignan had praise for the success of nan asks of the community. Provide
now. It will become another tool the ning a summer camp for the teach- the food distribution program set up honest feedback, but please be posi-
district can draw on when students ers. Dr. Dignan made sure she had at all buildings for students to re- tive or provide constructive criticism.
come back to in-person learning. He everything she needed, including the ceive breakfasts and lunches. He No one knows what the future
sees the current situation as one support of the tech department, to praised Communications Director will hold for our community, but if
where they are creating 21st century get everyone up and running on the Jenny Johnson for creating mes- we all work together for our students
learners through an online platform platform. sages consistently that keep families and staff, we will overcome what will
where they are now having to work “I think teachers are going to in the loop on what is happening in eventually become a temporary blip
out the kinks. amaze themselves,” he says. Teach- the district. He was pleased that the on the field of education.
The Wayne Dispatch · November 2020 · 3