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Voters were lined up out the doors to vote at Hoover Elementary School on election
City election results
By Carolyn Marnon come to an end.
Mayor John Rhaesa was elected There were two proposals in
to serve a second term as Mayor of Wayne relating to how council per-
Wayne, in a tight race with current sons were elected in the City. Both
city councilman Anthony Miller. Al- proposals were passed by the voters.
though Miller did not win the may- The one with the higher number of
oral race, he does retain his city votes is the procedure that will be
council seat. implemented.
Mayor Rhaesa shared on his face- With a vote of 3957 to 3935, the
book page his gratitude. “I want to majority voted to eliminate the six-
take this opportunity to thank each ward system and return the City to a
and every one of you who supported single voting district for the election
my re-election as Wayne’s Mayor. I of council members. This will take ef-
am truly honored to have been cho- fect in 2024.
sen to serve another term. I had the The Wayne-Westland Community
incredible opportunity to talk to the School Board will welcome two new
citizens of Wayne throughout the day trustees, Kimberly May and John Al-
yesterday (election day) and while I brecht along with returning board
was happy to see everyone out exer- trustee Melandie Hines. Each will
cising their right to vote, it was also serve a six-year term.
an opportunity to learn more about May wrote on her election face-
your concerns, to share the city’s ac- book page “I am beyond grateful for
complishments and connect with the each and every vote I received!!!! I
community. Thank you to those who am excited and ready to work for our
took the time to get to know me and children! I am appreciative of each
to learn more about our city. As I candidate and look forward to join-
have always said, I do not take the ing the Board of Education with Me-
role of Mayor lightly. I will continue landie Hines and John Albrecht.
to work hard on behalf of every citi- Congratulations to each candidate! It
zen for the betterment of our com- takes great commitment and heart to
munity and I will work with my run a campaign. Thank you, Wayne-
colleagues on council and with the Westland community for believing
city administration to make sure and trusting in me!!!
that we are moving your community, Albrecht commented on his face-
our community, in the right direc- book page, “When I cast my vote, my
tion. Again, thank you for putting first consideration was for the chil-
your trust in me.” dren for whom we are all responsi-
City councilmen Tom Porter and ble… Why our children before
Kevin Dowd were both elected to re- anyone or anything else? Because as
tain their council positions. Alfred our children grow and learn, we can
Brock was elected to serve his first be assured that their knowledge and
term as a Wayne councilman; he will experience will help to grow and
fill the seat previously occupied by make our communities better places
Jeremiah Webster whose term has to live. This matters above all else.
4 · November 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch