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Knights of Columbus’ Coats for Kids Program

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         n't come to the event, they are able to
             As  we  enter  the  winter  season                                                                   go to Amanda Dybus’ office and pick
          and  the  cold  weather  approaches,                                                                    up their coats.
          many people’s first thought goes to                                                                        Dybus is the Director of the Fam-
          the holidays. What decorations will                                                                     ily  Resource  Center.  She  has  been
          be put up? What meals will be eaten?                                                                    doing  a  lot  of  behind  the  scenes
          What gifts will be received? What sea-                                                                  work  to  find  children  in  need  of
          sonal activities will be participated                                                                   coats in the community.
          in?                                                                                                        “There were just a lot of little de-
             For  others  however,  their  first                                                                  tails that helped make this all come
          thought is a bit different. How can I                                                                   together,” said Albrecht.
          keep my child warm during the cold                                                                         If you would like to get involved
          winter months?                     Knights of Columbus Notre Dame Council members Eric Pohl, John Albrecht and Paul  and donate to the Coats for Kids pro-
             Coats for Kids is a program with                                                                     gram,  you  still  have  a  chance  be-
          one specific purpose: when families  Law hold up some of the coats for kids on distribution day.        cause  no  formal  cut-off  has  been
          struggle to clothe their children with  strayed away from it for a few years.  then began taking online donations  made.
          warm coats in the winter, Knights of  He  returned  and  joined  the  Notre  and in-house donations.       The Knights of Columbus are al-
          Columbus  councils  help  meet  this  Dame  Council  after  Christmas  in  The  Knights  put  a  box  on  the  ways preparing for their next event,
          basic need.                        2020.                              countertop  for  cash  contributions.  which  is  coming  up.  Saturday,  De-
             According  to  the  Knights  of    During  the  summer  of  2021,  Once someone donated, they could  cember  18th,  will  be  their  annual
          Columbus  website,  since  the  pro-  Sposite asked Albrecht to take the  pick  a  blue  or  pink  construction-  Christmas Celebration. Tickets are
          gram began in 2009, nearly 500,000  lead  and  chair  the  Coats  for  Kids  paper-child and write their name on  $20 which includes a buffet dinner,
          coats  have  been  distributed  in  49  project.  Albrecht  accepted  the  re-  it and tape it on the wall, so people  cash bar, and door prizes. DJ Justin
          states   and   all   10   Canadian  sponsibility and kicked-off the proj-  can see who contributed to the cause.  will  attend.  For  more  information
          provinces.                         ect in mid-August.                   The Knights had a Distribution  about  the  Knights  of  Columbus
             The  Knights  of  Columbus  may   “When we started this project, we  Event on Tuesday, November 30th.  Notre  Dame  Council  or  upcoming
          have been doing this program since  weren't  sure  where  we’d  end  up,”  Hot dogs, chips and pop were pro-  events, visit or
          2009, but this is the first year the  said Albrecht, Council Advocate. “I  vided for the children that came to  find them on Facebook at Knights of
          Knights  of  Columbus  Notre  Dame  figured  to  shoot  big,  so  we  set  pick up coats. For families that did-  Columbus 3021 Notre Dame.
          Council 3021 has participated.     $6,000  as  our  goal.  We  ended  up
             “We’ve been wanting to do this for  raising a total of $7,032 in cash and
          years,”  said  Paul  Sposite,  Grand  coats.”
          Knight of the Notre Dame Council.     The Knights of Columbus Notre
          “It's a way for us to give back to the  Dame  Council  collected  a  total  of
          community in a meaningful way and  324 coats for children in need.
          help  the  kids  in  a  way  that  really  “I am so humbled by the support
          means the most.”                   we got. I thought our goal was too
             Sposite  had  a  passion  for  the  lofty, but once the community came
          project but was looking for the right  together to support our cause, I was
          man for the job. John Albrecht was  overwhelmed.  It  was  tremendous,”
          the man he picked.                 said Albrecht.
             Albrecht has been involved with    After Albrecht set a fundraising
          the  Knights  of  Columbus  since  he  goal  in  August,  he  opened  a  Go-
          was younger, as his father was also a  FundMe page and began advertising
          Knight. His father ended up retiring  it on the Knights’ Facebook and so-
          from  the  council  and  Albrecht  cial media to boost it. The council

          6 · December 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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