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Now, Watch This!

           State Wayne Theater celebrates 75th anniversary

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     provements,  among  them  was  a
             Let’s  rewind  and  go  back  in                                                                     $75,000-upgrade,  which  replaced
          time…                                                                                                   carpeting, seats, and upholstery in
             Back when a brand-new men’s tie                                                                      1964. And what would become one
          sold for next to nothing (just over a                                                                   of  the  theater’s  most  unique  fea-
          buck); meanwhile, the bikini made                                                                       tures—the  Dragon  Murals  painted
          its debut in Paris, France…                                                                             by Dutch artist Anton Mom—arrived
             Back  when  both  Dean  Martin's                                                                     on the scene as well.
          and  B.B.  King's  musical  careers                                                                        But by the time the 1970s rolled
          began, and Freddie Mercury, Dolly                                                                       around, the State Wayne had hit a
          Parton, Steven Spielberg were born…                                                                     rough  patch:  the  advent  of  other
             Back  when  average  wages  were                                                                     movie houses—enter the term multi-
          $2,500 per year, monthly rent would                                                                     plexes—meant  more  competition
          set you back about 60 dollars per                                                                       from surrounding suburbs.
          month, and with donuts costing 15                                                                          The theater closed in 1977. The
          cents per dozen and eggs costing a                                                                      Michigan Opry then leased the venue,
          mere 64 cents per dozen, feeding a                                                                      which  brought  live  country  music
          small army breakfast on the cheap                                                                       shows to the theater.
          wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.                                                                    That plan lasted a few years, and
             Oh, and then there’s this nugget:                                                                    what followed in 1980 was a span of
          Tupperware began selling in depart-                                                                     time Wayne residents—and residents
          ment  and  hardware  stores.  (The                                                                      of  nearby  communities—may  re-
          company’s  home  parties  wouldn’t                                                                      member quite fondly: 99-cent movie
          begin until 1948, though.)         Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Phillips with Santa in the early 1990’s. Photo provided by the Wayne His-  tickets.
             All these aforementioned cultural  torical Museum                                                       Ah, yes. Those were the days.
          milestones happened quite a while  landscape.                         Shafers had decided that it would be  But after decades of a solid run,
          ago—1946 to be exact—and that was    “Given the context of how many   the perfect site for the new theater,  the Shafer family decided to sell the
          also the year Wayne’s historic State  historic  buildings  Wayne  has  lost,  which  was  initially  intended  to  re-  theater to National Amusements in
          Wayne Theater opened for business.  the saving of that building—and its  place the Wayne Theater.       1986. And the theater closed…again.
             Currently known as the Phoenix  restoration and reopening—was re-    And a name had been picked out,    The  re-opening  in  1991,  which
          State  Wayne  Theater,  this  movie  ally one of the highlights of historic  too.                       was  spearheaded  by  the  City  of
          house possesses a rich history that’s  preservation in Wayne,” says Moll.  “It was supposed to be called The  Wayne, brings us to the modern era
          as storied as many of the movies that  “If you walked out into the middle  Academy,” says Moll.         of State Wayne Theater, which, much
          have been shown inside it. And the  of Michigan Avenue—assuming there   Land was purchased and plans    like the previous years, has also seen
          latest chapter is a celebratory one, in-  were  no  cars—and  you  looked  in  were drawn up.           its fair share of changes.
          deed: this month—December 31 to    both  directions  as  far  as  the  eyes  Then  World  War  II  happened.  With  the  assistance  of  over
          be exact— the Phoenix State Wayne  could see, I think you’d have a really  And  that  put  a  proverbial  monkey  $500,000  in  Downtown  Develop-
          Theater turns 75.                  hard time finding another building  wrench in everything.            ment Authority (DDA) funds, the city
             “What I really like about the State  or business that’s been open for 75  But after the project’s pause, con-  purchased  and  completely  over-
          Wayne is that it’s generational,” says  years. In the same place, looking to  struction commenced and the cinder  hauled  the  State  Wayne,  which  in-
          Cory  Jacobson,  owner  of  Phoenix  the outside world much the same as  block and fireproof brick 1,500-seat  cluded  replacing  the  two  existing
          Theaters. “During a showing of the  it did 75 years ago,” says Jacobson,  auditorium  with  a  single  screen  storefronts with restrooms. The the-
          last  Rocky  film,  Creed  II,  a  man  whose passion and enthusiasm for  opened for business in 1946. It was  ater  was  also  divided  into  three
          came in with his elderly father, who  the theater is palpable.        called  The  State  Theater  because  screens and a live stage.
          was well into his nineties. They came  And  justifiably  so:  75  years  in  sometime between 1940 and 1946,  Then, several years later, the the-
          out of the theater and the father said  business is nothing to sneeze at. Es-  the name The Academy had gone out  ater’s  famed—and  immensely  per-
          that  they’ve  watched  every  Rocky  pecially these days.            the window. However, to distinguish  sonal—mural, called "Wayne History
          film here since 1976. And when you    More  on  that  in  a  minute.  But,  the  theater  from  nearby  competi-  Mural," was created by David Fichter
          think  about  that  kind  of  history,  first, let’s explore how the theater got  tors—both  the  cities  of  Ann  Arbor  and  Joshua  Winer  with  assistance
          where  someone  can  go  back  over  here.                            and  Pontiac  had  movie  theaters  from  Anthony  Ivezaj.  The  hand-
          forty  years,  and  they’ve  followed  a  The  concept  of  bringing  a  new  called State Theater—local newspa-  painted  work  of  art,  which  is  ar-
          film series at that particular theater,  theater to the City of Wayne was the  pers referred to Wayne’s new movie  guably  now  as  well-known  as  the
          I think that in itself is really an ex-  brainchild of Walter Shafer. The year  house as State-Wayne in movie list-  building’s original marquee, covers
          traordinary thing.”                was 1940, and Shafer and his family  ings.                           the vast majority of the theater’s east
             According to Tyler Moll, manager  had already owned the Wayne The-   The name stuck.                 exterior wall. The eye-catching art-
          of the Wayne Historical Museum, the  ater, which was also on Michigan Av-  During  the  years  that  followed,  deco painting style (called “Trompe
          Phoenix State Wayne Theater holds  enue.  A  functioning  lumberyard  the  State  Wayne  would  undergo  a
          a unique spot in this city’s overall  existed a stone’s throw away, and the  wide spectrum of alterations and im-  See State Wayne, page 4

                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · December 2021 · 3
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