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State Wayne, Continued from page 3                                    upgrade of a Trinnov audio system,  only  the  movie  industry—but  our
                                                                                which features 3-D sound technology.  world as we knew it.
          L’oeil) serves as a fitting tribute to                                Additionally, the auditorium’s screen  Jacobson remembers, “We were
          Wayne’s past and present. The mural                                   was  changed  over  to  a  Harkness  all excited about the launch [of the
          was dedicated on October 16, 2007,                                    micro-perforated screen, which pro-  app],”  Jacobson  remembers…and
          and  re-dedicated  on  October  28,                                   duced exceptional quality.        then we ended up closing in March
          2008.                                                                    And  then  things  got  really,  re-  [2020] due to pandemic. It became
             But  unlike  the  theater’s  pictur-                               ally…comfortable.                 readily apparent to us in about June
          esque  surface,  the  bottom  line  re-                                 Back in the fall of 2014 Phoenix  [2020] that this [COVID-19] was a se-
          garding  the  theater’s  finances  was                                Theatres took the theater’s seating to  rious problem that was not going to
          anything but pretty.                                                  a whole new luxurious level with the  resolve itself quickly.”
             The  theater  was  hemorrhaging                                    installation of seats that fully recline.  The Phoenix State Wayne would
          money,  and  something  had  to  be                                   And in late fall of 2018, those seats  oscillate  between  various  levels  of
          done.                                                                 got  even  better  when  they  became  openness  until  February  of  2021
             In July 2014 Wayne City Council                                    heated.                           when they re-opened with full con-
          voted 6-0 to sell the State Wayne The-                                  “I think their efforts to really mod-  cessions.
          ater  to  Insight  Holdings  II,  LLC,                                ernize—the  new  seats,  the  digital  Then,  finally,  came  a  signal  of
          which was related to Phoenix The-                                     projectors, etc.—doing that kind of  hope.
          atres. Phoenix Theatres had been op-                                  stuff  is  really  going  to  keep  them  “It all started to break this sum-
          erating the theater for the city since                                ahead of the game and keep the the-  mer, almost synonymously with the
          August 2012. The sale became offi-  The  “Big  Sleep”  was  the  first  movie  ater successful,” says Moll.  vaccination rate,” says Jacobson. “As
          cial in September 2014.            shown at the State Wayne Theater.    Furthermore, in early 2020, the  the rate increased, and as things re-
             In  2015  Phoenix  Theatres  re-                                   theater began offering reserved seat-  turned to normalcy here in Michigan
          placed all 1,152 incandescent mar-  crisper look,” said Jacobson.     ing and debuted a new mobile app,  and  throughout  the  country,  we’ve
          quee  lamps  with  new  LED-style,    More  striking  enhancements    which enabled patrons to order tick-  seen  more  and  more  pictures  be-
          energy-efficient lamps on the State  soon  followed:  new  carpeting,  ets  online.  To  gain  entry,  patrons  come released.”
          Wayne  Theater’s  marquee,  a  move  Christie  digital  projectors  and  7.1  simply had to have the barcode on  The theater has even seen the re-
          that reduced the total wattage from  Dolby Digital sound in every audito-  their  cellphone  scanned  upon  ar-  turn of "Rocky Horror Picture Show
          12,672 watts of power to just 1,613.  rium,  and  two  auditoriums  were  rival.                        Experience,”  with  Wayne's  live,
          “Great care was taken in selecting a  given  larger  picture  sizes  for  a  Yes,  things  were  cruising  along  unique  shadow  cast.  The  show,
          new style of LED lamp that was sim-  markedly noticeable wall-to-wall dig-  for  the  newly  re-named  Phoenix  which launched in 2012, is inspired
          ilar in appearance to the original yet  ital image. Then, in the summer of  State Wayne Theater.
          give us greater efficiency and a new  2017, auditorium one received the  But what followed would rock not     See State Wayne, page 13

          4 · December 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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