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Spreading their love…stories
By Carolyn Marnon The couple didn’t want a big wed- up-north getaway for some fun you?” and wished him a nice day.
February brings images of hearts, ding. They had planned to get mar- where they made many great memo- She was the only one who had re-
love and candy kisses. Every year, we ried at the 29th District Courthouse ries with family and friends. “Life sponded kindly, so he wrote back to
bring you the love stories of commu- in Wayne on February 24, 1986. has to have a balance of hard work her. They continued to write back
nity members willing to share what When they showed up for their mar- and fun,” said Angie. “Sitting around and forth until they eventually met.
has made their relationship full of riage appointment that Monday, they the bonfire after a day of riding 4- “I was so happy to meet her at
hearts. This year, we bring you the were told the judge was not there wheelers on the trails was so relax- first,” said Alfred. “Then, we were
stories of Kurt and Angie Jarman, due to a family emergency. Fortu- ing.” To them, their hard work was walking along the riverbank towards
owners of Kurt’s Caps on Michigan nately, Judge Carolyn Archbold had paying off. a riverboat casino, and Bernadette
Ave.; City Councilman Phil and Vicki already made arrangements for Kurt You might see Kurt and Angie out made some gesture to the riverboat
Wagner; City Councilman Alfred and and Angie to get married over at the driving in their 1956 Chevy truck in and an offhand remark that sparked
Bernadette Brock; and Paul and Gin- First Congregational Church of the evenings or on weekends. Their love in my heart.”
ger Cook. Wayne. favorite place to visit is the Wayne Alfred and Bernadette have been
With a small group of family look- Dairy Queen. They also like being in- together for 21 years, of which 19 of
ing on, the couple married that volved in the Wayne community. those have been spent married. “I
morning at the church and then They volunteer with Wayne Main wouldn’t say it was a lightbulb mo-
headed back home for a home- Street. They are instrumental in ment,” said Bernadette when asked
cooked breakfast. bringing the fire pits that are used if there was a moment when either
Later that weekend, the Wayne during the Annual Christmas Tree knew ‘this is the person I am going
community center was filled with Lighting at the Wayne Historical Mu- to marry.’ “We had been together for
about 300 people celebrating Kurt seum. Angie’s favorite activity is giv- two years and we just fit. We liked a
and Angie’s nuptials. “It was a great, ing away popcorn at the summer lot of the same things.”
crazy party. Some people still talk concerts in Goudy Park. “We really The couple has three children:
about it today.” With an unlimited missed them in 2020,” she said Justin (who recently moved back
bar, Angie says people were letting sadly. home to Wayne), Grayson and Ella.
loose and dancing at the tables. Angie’s sage advice to any young You might have seen the well-be-
Some were having so much fun, they couple just starting their lives to- haved young Grayson or Ella mind-
had to be rolled out of the commu- gether is “Always work together. Re- ing their own business at past city
nity center on kitchen carts and member, it’s not mine and his; it’s council meetings when it was still
Angie and Kurt Jarman loaded into cars waiting at the curb ours. And no lies or secrets. Finally, possible to attend in person, pre-
to take them home. don’t forget to say ‘Goodnight. I love COVID.
Jarman love story Angie knew she was going to you!’” When asked what has been the
“Kurt became my brother’s friend marry Kurt after they started dating. secret to the success of their relation-
when I was 15,” said Angie Jarman. “We spent all our free time together, ship, Bernadette replied “I wish I
They would hang out working on having fun. We would hang out at could say there was a secret. I think
cars. Sometimes, Kurt would stay each other’s house with family.” the success is because we take the
for dinner. “He became a friend to The couple have a son, Greg, who time to listen to the other person.”
the whole family.” still lives at home. “He’s a good kid. Alfred replied, “Listening and work-
“When I turned 16,” Angie contin- Never gave us any trouble,” said ing together towards a common goal,
ues, “I had a feeling he was going to Angie. They also have a business in whether it is getting a loaf of bread
ask me out. I asked my mom if he Wayne, Kurt’s Caps on W. Michigan at the supermarket or building a
did, could I say yes?” Her mom said Ave. family.”
she could, so in September of 1981, The success for their 40+ year The biggest challenge for the cou-
Angie and Kurt went to the Willow marriage lies in simple tenants. ple has been how far away they live
Drive-in for their first date. Though “Never keep secrets or tell lies,” said from their extended family.
she has forgotten what movie they Angie. “Always think ours, not mine Alfred shared, “Family events are
saw, the important thing is that and yours. It’s not his yard work; it’s always challenging. They are best
they’ve been together ever since. ours. It’s not my housework; it’s met with love and
Angie recalls that some of their ours. Work together to get things compassion. We have been fortu-
subsequent dates were simply at the done so you can go have fun.” nate that our industry and together-
kitchen table while she was doing It’s not all been fun and games for Bernadette and Alfred Brock on their ness have helped us weather the
her homework. They both gradu- the Jarmans. “I’ve had cancer a few wedding day with son, Justin. storms. God has been good to us,
ated from Wayne Memorial High times over the years,” said Angie. “As and I am thankful for that. We've
School: Kurt in 1979 followed by many know, it affects the whole fam- Brock Love Story had to overcome the distances as
Angie in 1983. ily. Kurt has been my biggest sup- 21 years ago, Alfred Brock hit our families are living across the
The young couple worked to- porter, always positive. We have “Reply All” to a chain letter he had re- United States. We've done that by
gether for several years at a sub- fought this together and still will for ceived. The chain letter garnered a using the technology we have at our
sandwich shop in Wayne before they years to come.” flood of negative responses. One re- disposal like the telephone and
married. Kurt also worked for the Angie and Kurt have both worked sponse did stand out, however. A email and writing lots of letters!”
City of Wayne at the community cen- full-time jobs. When the weekend ap- young woman named Bernadette
ter. peared, they liked to head to their wrote back to him, asking “Who are See Love, page 5
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2021 · 3