Page 5 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 5
LOVE, Continued from page 3 ing to the other person. Never be us had any debt, and we both had
afraid to love too much.” Alfred fol- similar financial goals,” said Phil
The greatest highlight of their re- lows up, “You are building your own when asked about a lightbulb mo-
lationship has been “the birth of our world. If it gets knocked down, just ment when either one knew they had
wonderful children. They are the start over.” found the person they were going to
light of our lives.” marry.
Before COVID, the couple crafted Wagner Love Story “Romantic, huh?” added Vicki.
a lot and loved to garden. They loved EHarmony. Match. Bumble. See Love, page 6
taking the kids to new places. Since Plenty of Fish. These are just a few
COVID, they have spent considerable of the dating websites currently avail-
time doing crafts, puzzles and just able for people looking for a love con-
spending time together with the kids nection. For Wayne City Councilman
now that they are all home all the Phil Wagner and his wife, Vicki, it
time. was that
“We like to visit natural and his- brought the pair together.
torical places,” Alfred said. “Right Being quite introverted and not
now we take time to visit local green- into the traditional dating scene,
houses to see what they are growing each looked into online dating. Their
and what we can grow in our home. first date in late summer 2011 was
Visiting places like the Wayne Histor- dinner at Leonardo’s Italian Grille in
ical Museum, the Matthaei Botanical New Wayne City Councilman Alfred Romulus. “I knew there was some-
Gardens and parks - whether they Brock and his wife, Bernadette, are avid thing there when Phil asked if I
are local, county, state or federal, are supporters of the Wayne community. wanted to go see a movie after din-
always enjoyed by our family. Before ner,” said Vicki. “My older sister,
COVID we made regular trips by car Young couples just starting their Cindy, claims she knew Phil was
to visit family and friends.” lives together should “Talk to each ‘The One’ because I agreed to see
In the future, Alfred and other. Listen to each other. Encour- Planet of the Apes. I’m not a big fan
Bernadette would like to go on an age each other. Believe in your- of apes and monkeys.”
Alaskan Cruise. “It is something we selves.” “After our relationship pro-
have talked about since day one we Bernadette shares, “Be giving. It gressed, we had a ‘financial talk’ and
met,” said Bernadette. takes two. Make sure you are listen- revealed to each other that neither of Councilman Phil and Vicki Wagner
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2021 · 5