Page 7 - The Wayne Dispatch
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LOVE, Continued from page 6 “Paul said he knew,” said Ginger
about any kind of lightbulb moment
Ginger seem to have been constantly when either knew ‘this is the person
on the go, whether it was moving I am going to marry.’ “I didn’t know.”
around the world, the country, rais- His mother didn’t want them to get
ing children or just enjoying their married. “I’m gonna marry her one
many hobbies together. of these days,” he told his mother.
Paul Cook III was making plans Since that moment, Ginger claims
with his siblings to get everyone to- his mother never liked her.
gether for the momentous Diamond What is the secret to such a long-
Anniversary. “It’s just another day,” lasting marriage? “He is,” quips Gin-
said Ginger, as she played down all ger. “All my kids will agree to that.
the fuss. They came from five differ- He’s so patient, and he’s so kind,
ent states. Paul III is the head of and he’s so forgiving. He’s so under-
Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed in standing.” She boasts they were ex-
Washington DC. Michelle lives in tremely lucky that none of their kids
Middletown, OH. Michael resides in were ever in any trouble. “We’re
Huntsville, Alabama. The oldest Ginger and Paul Cook with their daughter Cindy (next to Ginger) and Ginger's sister lucky to have five good kids.”
child, Cindy, lives in Savannah, GA. Kim (next to Paul) taken on the couple's 60th anniversary. “The biggest challenge is to live
Kimberly, who is Ginger’s younger across the street from Paul’s home and joined the Army. “We traveled all with a person for 60 years and learn
sister but whom Ginger has raised that Ginger injured her thumb. over the world in 24 years (that he to get over challenges with each of us
like a daughter, lives in North Car- While she was recuperating, Paul was in the Army) and ended up back being happy with what we did,” re-
olina. rode by on his moped. She asked in this house that he was raised in,” flected Ginger. “Living with each
Ginger and her family moved him if he’d take her to the store. He Ginger said. other in harmony. You’re going to
from Massachusetts to Michigan eventually asked her to the Fall “When we first got married, we have differences when you live with
years ago. Their house happened to Frolic and the Senior Prom “and that didn’t have any place to live,” Ginger somebody for a long time.” They also
be at the end of the street from was it,” recalled Ginger. shared. “We lived with his parents had to handle separations because
where Paul and his family lived. Paul After graduation, Paul went off to and then we lived with my parents. Paul would be gone for long bits
was a dashing senior in high school Central University. His 2nd year of Then he went in the military, and he while serving his country.
while Ginger was a sizzling sopho- college, he attended Eastern Michi- went to Korea for a year.” After that, Paul recalled that during his 2nd
more who played football. It was gan University. After Ginger’s high they lived at Fort Bragg, NC and in tour of Germany, they didn’t have
while playing football in the field school graduation, they got married 1964 lived in Hawaii. He went to Viet- any kids, “just a baby dog.” They
nam and when he got home in Octo- would take off after work on Fridays
ber 1966, he left the military. and spend the weekend exploring
They were raising three kids in Germany and Austria. Those were
Georgia. Paul had his own business memorable moments.
and was doing okay, but he was also He shared another memory.
thinking about the future. On May 1, When they lived in Oklahoma, there
1975 Paul rejoined the Army. He would be tremendous storms in the
said it was mostly because of the state. “I remember it was raining and
medical coverage the armed service the rain turned into hail. It was hot-
provided to the family in addition to 100 degrees. We walked in the rain.
actually liking the Army. We sat in the ditch as the water
From Fort Sill, OK, the family flowed over us. It was like two or
moved to Germany for three years. three feet deep, but we didn’t care.”
They came back to the US where Not many people are in Tybee Is-
they lived at Fort Knox, KY for six land (Georgia) in the winter. Paul
years. They crossed back across the and Ginger would sit on a blanket on
ocean to Germany again for another the beach for an hour or so and just
three years. Paul retired while they be together. Spur of the moment
were stationed at Fort Carson, CO. crazy stuff is what they liked to do.
The retirement took them back to “Still do,” Ginger affirmed.
Kentucky where they lived another What do Paul and Ginger do for
14 years before coming back to fun, especially now during these
Michigan. His dad died in 2002 and COVID times? “Just hang out to-
Paul took care of his mom until she gether,” replied Paul. “We’re so spon-
died. The Cooks have been living in taneous,” added Ginger, “and Paul’s
Paul’s childhood home ever since. pretty game for anything. I say let’s
While the young couple was sta- do something, and we do it!”
tioned at Fort Sill, OK, Ginger was She remembered how their son
able to attend nursing school and get gave Paul moccasins for Christmas.
her LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse). She would ask Paul to do his Indian
She still keeps her license active. dance and he complied. “We just
She said it’s because she worked so make each other laugh all the time.”
hard to earn it, she doesn’t want to
let it lapse. See Love, page 9
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2021 · 7